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Happy friendiversary Tavishi (@Kitty_19) you are the best Internet friend I could ever ask for (you too Manv ILY!!!I think I met u in February ..) but It's been a WHOLE FREAKING YEAR! That I've known you! omg it feels so much longer then that!! You are so funny and weird, like me ;) and dirty minded.... also like me... we could be twins for all I know 0_0. hahaha ily! One day we will meet in person and we may get arrested bc when were together were like a bomb of fun, and when we explode we turn into glitter and happiness lololol!!!

3rd person POV

"Faith!" Tavishi called

"Erughhh..." Faith mumbled

"Faith!! wake up!" She shook her

"W-what?" Faith begun to get up "what time is it?" she yawned


"What! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" she exclaimed

"Because I just got here! you need to stop staying up all night texting and skyping Calum." Tavishi laughed

"Like you don't do the same." Faith rolled her eyes

Tavishi stopped laughing and glared at her "I go to bed at ten, eleven at the most! I cherish sleep!" she waved her arms in the air

"Why did you come to my house and wake me up again?" faith asked

"Because... its our friendiversary duh! Apparently Ash and Cal planned for us to go on a double date tonight at a 'fancy' restaurant so we gotta look nice for once lol."

"Fancy? their definition of fancy could mean McDonalds or tacobell..." faith laughed

"Yeah... well maybe they are being for real... for once..."

"Ture." faith hugged her Bestfriend and jumped out of bed and got ready

Faith saw that Tavishi was wearing blue shorts and her lol but your not Ashton Irwin' shirt
So Faith threw on purple shorts and her 'lol but your not Calum Hood' shirt on

"Look we're twins!" she stepped out of the bathroom

"Ah! oh my god!" Tavishi squealed "okay so the boys planned the day out, weird because they are them... and I was going to say we just stay home, watch movies, and veg out on junk food."

"That would be amazing!" faith said "but I guess the boys are making us... so... lets go." she shrugged "what's first on the list?"

"Nail salon." Tavishi said as they got into her car.

They walked into the cute nail salon, that they go to often.

"Oh! hello ladies!" Jin, a sweet oriental lady greeted them

"Hi Jin!" The girls waved

"Uh.. I guess we have an appointment?" Tavs said

"Oh yes! yes! your boyfriends Mikey and Calum! That's right! Jasmine! Lola!" Jin yelled

Two workers came over and led the two girls over to a massaging chair, as the foot bath started filling with warm water

"This is amazing!" Faith moaned as they massaged her feet

"What color you want?" Jasmine asked Faith

"Uhhh." she looked at Manvi

Jin walked over "They have colors already picked." and handed both nail artist small containers of gel nail polish..

Wow the boys must have gone all out! gel polish is more expensive, but last longer... I wonder what they have planned? Faith thought..

"I think they actually are going to take us somewhere nice tonight." Tavs said snapping faith from her thoughts

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