Zayn Malik

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"Tavvy!" your best friend Manvi and Faith said

"Faith! Manvi!!" you said running to them

"Happy birthday!" they screamed

"So what do you want to doooooo?" Faith asked

"Hmmm I don't know?" you said thinking

"What about we go to the mall and Starbucks Manvi wriggled her eyebrows

"Sounds good to me!" you said


They all got to the mall and ran to the first thing they saw, Starbucks.

After they ordered and got their drinks they thought about seeing a movie

"What should we see?" you asked

"THE FAULT IN OUR STARS!" Manvi shouted and people started to stare

"Calm your tits." Faith laughed

They got their tickets and sat in the empty theater

As the previews went though faith went though her phone texting Niall

"Who you texting?" Tavishi smirked

"Um Calum." Faith lied

"Ugh you too are so cute together." Manvi said smiling


After the movie they were about to leave the mall

"Ready?" Tavishi said

"Um yeah."

"You've been acting strange.." Tavy squinted her eyes

Manvi and Faith looked at eachother

"I'm going to drop you at Zayn's ok." Faith said as they got into her car


They got to Zayn's house

"Happy birthday!" They both said as she got out the car

"Don't you want to come inside and say hi?" she asked

"Nope." Manvi smirked and Faith wink


"Zayn!" Tavishi shouted

She smelt a delicious smell

"In the dinning room!" He said

She walked into the dinning room

The room was decorated with flowers and it was beautiful the table had a few candles and a vase of roses in the middle

"Zayn." she said astonished

"Happy birthday babe." he got up, hugged her then kissed her cheek

"Thanks Zayny.." She blushed

They sat down and ate the amazing meal Niall made


After they ate there was a knock on the door

"Be right back." Zayn got up, kissed her forehead, then went to open the door

He came back a few seconds later; with Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, Manvi, and Faith

"Happy birthday!" they all chorused

"Aw.. This is the best birthday ever." Tavishi said with tears in her eyes


After they ate the cake which looked like a Starbucks frap Tavishi opened her presents

They all sat on the couch or floor with her in front

"Oh! open mine first!" Harry said like a child waving his arms in the air

"Ok..." she picked up the one that said 'from Harry ;)'

"Oh god..." she mumbled to herself

She unwrapped the bow and ripped though the paper... she opened the white box revealing red lace lingerie she covered her face laughing

"What the hell Harry." she laughed

"I don't know maybe you and Zayn are going to get it ooon." he laughed

Everyone was slightly confused until Harry made her show everyone..

"Babe!" Manvi smacked her boyfriends arm "ugh I didn't know what he got you..."

She also got Starbucks gift cards and clothes from the rest

Tavishi frowned seeing she didn't get anything from Zayn.

"Don't frown babe... I got you something..." Zayn said

He kneeled in font of her

"Tavishi, You are the most beautiful lady I've ever laid eyes on and you've made the past two years the best years ever..." he gulped "and I hope you make me happy for the rest of my life... Will you marry me?" he said opening a small box with a stunning ring

She covered her mouth with tears streaming her face

"Zayn.... yes... I love you so much.."

Everyone clapped as they kissed

(Aw ily!!!)

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