~Old Man~

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It wasn't often that (y/n) found herself conversing very much with her boss on their walks back home. (Y/n) would always find silent words in simply observing the falling snow, hearing the steady beat of their footfalls against the ice-covered ground.

But, when they did, it was always Gaster who spoke first. And tonight he decided to touch on a subject she wasn't very well prepared for...

As (y/n) turned her head back forward from gazing at a nearby frozen lake, she found her periphery missing one skeleton.

She stopped and turned around. Gaster was a few steps behind, head craned down, as if in thought.

"Problem, doc?" (Y/n) walked closer to him, leaning down to see his face. His blue and orange eyes just barely peeked out from behind his scarf.

He shook his head and look up. "Ah, I'm sorry. I was just-um..."

"Thinking a little too hard about something?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

The taller monster scratched his skull, looking back down and letting out a sigh. "No-actually... Well..." He scoffed suddenly and looked at (y/n), his face distraught. "Can I ask you something?"

She was taken aback for a moment. This was one of the only times she had seen the scientist so flustered. It was rare. "O-ok... What's on your mind?" She said, trying to seem at ease with this.

He straightened up and took a breathe. (Skeleton's don't have lungs, hur! I know this, I do...)
"D-do you think I'm... Th-that I'm..."

Her eyebrows knitted together as she looked around nervously. Several words came to mind as she tried to get ahead of his words, trying to finish the thought. 'Irritable at work? Maybe. Bossy? Yes. Arrogant at times? Definitely...'


(Y/n) froze. 'Wha...?'

She blinked a few times. "I'm sorry, what? Do I think you're 'what'?" She asked. Maybe she had heard wrong?

"Old", he repeated, "you know, unhip, not 'with it'?" (Oh lord... Why am I laughing right now?)

How was (y/n) suppose to respond to this?

Deciding on the easy route, or what seemed like it, she instead responded with another question. "Why would you think you're old?"

Gaster adjusted his coat collar, obviously uncomfortable with all of this. "N-no reason. Just forget I ever said anything." He said abruptly and continued walking towards home.

(Y/n) gazed after him. 'He looked so sad just now', she thought, following behind him shortly.

Gaster was old, but not as elderly-acting as he thought himself to be. His boys Sans and Papyrus were only just coming out of their teenage years, so (y/n) could only guess that that put him around 40 or 50 years old. But she wasn't going to ask.

And, in all honesty, (y/n) had always been one to go for men who were maybe a few years older than her on the surface before. They were much more mature, an didn't treat relationships like games. 'He meets that standard', she thought, 'plus, even for a skeleton monster, Gaster's plenty good looking. And really nice, and funny at times...' She blushed, stopping herself before she fell more for him.

W. D. Gaster x Reader Oneshots (Requests Closed) Where stories live. Discover now