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Niall is studying, he started an hour ago and he is reviewing his notes when he feels there's someone at the other side of his door dorm, he moves his head slightly to one side because he is sure that he didn't make plans with any of his friends, and the person is not knocking either so probably is just someone out there in the hall doing their own business, after a minute or two the person left so he doesn't pay further attention to it and keep studying.

Little did he know, that it wasn't going to be the only time.

Niall loves math but is getting quite hard to focus on it because someone -he doesn't know who-, kept appearing at the other side of his door, stand there, paced some and make a run out of it, another THREE times in the past hour and half, it has come to get to Niall's nerves, he is annoyed now, because whoever it is, he bet is the same person, apparently doesn't have anything better to do than to not let him study, he has been unable to study after the third time because he started wondering who was it, what were they doing there? What did they want? And why they kept leaving before he got the chance to open the door?. The fourth time, Niall was getting out of his toilet after going for a wee and he saw the shadow moving outside but it was too late after he had to put his pants up and all because he doesn't 't want to be accused of disturbing public peace or something like that. Niall is annoyed, and he doesn't like it.

Niall wants to know, so Niall is prepared this time, he is standing by his door now so whenever he sees the shadow in front again he will open up his door and will catch the person that is bothering him.

He's standing by the door when this person comes up to his door for the fifth time and as soon as Niall opens the door his forehead is met with a slap of sticky note to his head and the boy in front of him is bewildered, terrified even and Niall is annoyed, he really is, he didn't open the door to get a sticky note in his forehead.

As soon as Niall reaches to take the note off his head this boy immediately slaps his hand down and tears away the note and rips it while mumbling nonsense and Niall might have heard something along the lines of "it's nothing really important" and more mumbling and nonsense.

While this guy kept ripping off the little sticky note, Niall got the chance to look at him properly and now he really wants to know what the note said because holy hell this boy is hot so he doesn't' want him to fly away as he did the other 5 times and Niall kinda just jokingly threatens him and demands an explanation of why he was standing outside his door for the last two hours and a half because he was really focusing studying before he started his little game and Niall crosses his arms to pretend that he is mad but he is kinda amused and he is just teasing now because this tall guy pulls a pained expression while Niall is ranting about how he disturbed him.

Harry is embarrassed, he completely and utterly is, of all the options he considered on his way here, none of them included the boy with the beautiful blue eyes ending with a sticky note in his forehead, he just wanted to paste it in the door so the boy could see it when he was on his way out and maybe he would like the content of the note. But never in a million years Harry thought he would find himself slapping the boys hand to steal the note away from him and he panicked, yes he did, and as an impulsive reaction he end up ripping the sticky note with the message for the boy who is still standing there in front of him with an annoyed look but amused at the same time and he is looking at Harry and Harry doesn't know what to do next because the boy is talking and holly molly he is Irish and he has a weakness for Irish accents and the boys keep talking and Harry doesn't know what he is saying so he pulls a pained expression because is getting harder and harder to catch up to what he is saying and the boy crosses his arms in front of his chest and he thinks the blue eyed by is kinda mad at him, he bet he is, he put a sticky note in his forehead for all that is sacred in the world! but the next thing he does surprised him and the boy too, he extend his hand for the other boy to check and introduces himself as Harry.

Niall notices that the tall guy introduces himself as Harry and NO not Harold but just Harry and he never knew that such a name will sound so beautifully in his ears and Niall mutters a low Niall in return, but he still wants to know, why this beautiful stranger was standing in front of his door so many times and now that he is standing right in front of him he won't let go of him until he gets a reasonable answer to his question and Harry is nodding now so Niall knows he is getting what he wants, an answer and the opportunity to hear more of this tall guy voice -to spent more time with him-.

Harry knows what he has to do so he nervously admits that he's seen Niall in the record shop picking out Harry's favourite music and then just the other day Harry again spotted Niall in the library picking out a work by an author he worships and then the day before he spotted Niall getting into his building and YES Harry is convinced that they are soul mates and he ends up mumbling some more and What the fuck Niall realises he is in love and of course he would love to have coffee with Harry, Harry, Harry, HARRY, yes Harry, such a beautiful name for the amazing creature standing in front of him and Harry's eyes sparkle when Niall says he would like to join him for the coffee he is offering him and Niall now knows that the amazing smell that make him felt like home when he was at the record store and at the library was the scent of the tall green eyed guy called Harry.

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