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Everyone loves december. It meant the end of the year, it meant Christmas. We all spend the whole year waiting for Christmas, so finally getting to it was nice. 

I didn't know what to do with myself. December was by far the most busy month for me, but I still couldn't believe it was the end of the year. I had made it this far. 

I was finally getting over Luke. I had started thinking about him less, and caring about him less. It was good being this carefree. 

Christmas rolled around, and I remember spending Christmas eve wrapping presents for everyone in my family, which was something I always enjoyed.  My parents got me a few clothes gift cards, makeup palettes, and vinyls for my room. 

Next up was New Years Eve. 

I still couldn't believe it was the end of the year. I always tended to get sentimental around now, looking back, and promising myself I would be better in the upcoming year (which I rarely was). 

Normally I loved New Years Eve, but I couldn't help but be annoyed by everything that night. My parents were watching the ball drop together in the living room, but around 10 I was tired of it. I excused myself and said I was going to go to bed. I just didn't see myself making it through this night happily.

"Are you sure? It's New Years Eve, Honey." My mother said, a pout on her lips. I insisted I was okay, and went into my bedroom.

Halfway through getting undressed, there was a knock on my window, as it cracked open slightly. 

"Who is it?" I whisper/shout, alarmed, as I covered my chest with my arms. 

"It's me, Luke." 

Here I was, finally over him. And here he is, in my bedroom. 

"Oh." He says, finally inside and seeing my attire. 

"Why are you here?" I wasn't even mad. Just annoyed, and kind of cold. 

"I didn't want to end this year on a bad note with you," He eyes my chest, and rolling my eyes, I grabbed a shirt to slip on. I don't know why. It wasn't as if he hasn't seen it all before. "So, I guess I'm sorry."

"Why? You don't have to love me, you don't owe me anything. It was just kind of rude. I was just being clingy."

"I was rude, but it wasn't true anyways." He comes closer,slipping his jacket off. "I told my parents I was spending the night with Michael, but came to see you instead. And I'm sorry. Again."

"It's fine." I could feel the room getting hotter, and my cheeks burned. Luke still comes closer, and I can tell what he's thinking. 

"I want to try again." He says slowly. There it was, the perfect ending to every single lovesick teen movie. The guy realizes he was wrong and wants the girl back. I take in a deep breath, feeling his on my neck.


"Okay?" I nod, and I'm in his arms again. 

I make sure to lock the door. 

suburbs // luke hemmings short storyWhere stories live. Discover now