I got tagged...

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I apologize that this is not a chapter, but I got tagged by one of my friends about a month ago and I decided to do it. This is the first time I've been tagged in something, so yeah.....

I was tagged by uniqueandnerdy2911



1. List all rules

2. Answer all 13 questions

3. Tell 13 things about yourself

4. List 13 questions

5. Tag 13 people to answer the questions mentioned in rule 4

Rule 2- Answers to 13 Questions:

1. Hottest fictional character? (A/N- I have a feeling that my friend just wants to know if I actually think anyone is hot)

This is an awkward question. No comment.

2. If you had one superpower, what would it be?

If we are talking about any power, it would be to be a ninja like from Naruto or a Soul Reaper from Bleach. If we are talking about stereotypical powers, it would be telekinesis. (A/N- Anything but telekinesis. I really don't want to know what goes on in other people's minds*Internal Shiver*)

3. Coke or Pepsi?

Neither. I don't like brown soda for some reason.

4. The mountains or the beach?

The mountains. There normally isn't as many people.

5. Which element is your favorite? (Earth, water, wind, or fire)

Well, if I can't choose ice, it would probably be fire. (A/N- I know, polar opposites)

6. What's your favorite Disney song?

Probably Arabian Nights in Aladdin.

7. What is your guilty pleasure movie?

Umm, I don't get this question.

8. Have you ever seen the Wicked play and if so, what are your thoughts?


9. Biggest pet peeve?

I hate it when people volunteer to read something and then they talk in the slowest voice ever.

10. Favorite movie?

Probably Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows or Deadpool. (Just watched Deadpool Saturday, and it was hilarious)

11. What is the best fan fiction you have ever read?

Probably 'The Akira Files' by @Akira0666 or 'Melt the ice' by @rebboo

12. Are you a Sith or a Jedi?


13. What's your favorite color? (A/N- I added this one because my friend forgot to put the 13th question)

Black, if that can be considered a color

Rule 3- 13 Things About Myself

1. I like reading, mostly fantasy/adventure like 'Harry Potter' or 'Percy Jackson'

2. I am an otaku meaning I love anime

3. I play flute and am in the process of learning violin

4. I wear glasses/contacts

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