Night owl

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Morning was something Ruki loved despite what others believed. Originally he did hate waking up because sleep was so precious to him, being that he could never fall asleep to begin with. He abhorred the quiet and still night where he could sit and brood over the days events with a beer and drive himself mad,  the faint light flickering on his face from infomercials that played on the TV.  

It was lonely and even though he had Koron-Chan it still wasn't enough. He missed him. Missed him something bad, so much so that he could almost feel the imaginary warmth of his body huddled into Ruki's own. The raspy breaths escaping plump lips as he bent over his frame shaking with mirth from a inside joke. The shine in his hazel eyes as he gazed right into Ruki's eyes with a undisguised affection that warmed his chest faster than any coffee. The sleepy goodnight's exhaled into his neck as a leg was thrown over his and a head rested in the curve of his neck in a position neither would move from until morning came and they were forced to separate. Mornings where he'd sleepily open his eyes and glance next to him and see the peaceful expression on his face. Where Ruki would reach over and lightly run his fingers over the others features carving them into his memory right over the old carvings already made.

Mornings used to be his until they weren't anymore.


Sorry i haven't written or updated All your fault. I'm what you would call lazy, but in all seriousness nothing comes to mind for me to write and when it does. meh it's crappy.  :X  

Used to be..Until it wasn't anymore.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora