Chapter 17

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Cali's POV

I woke up the next day after the ceiling incident, and I was completely exhausted. When i walked into the caffetteria, i sat next to Layla, and she was (obviously) flirting with Michael who was sitting in front of me. When i sat down, he smiled and waved at me.

"Hey Layla. Michael." I said, grabbing a bowl of mushy oatmeal. It looked more like vomit than oatmeal.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He said smirking.

"Cali? You know Michael?" Layla asked curiously.

"Yep. Met him last night." I answered. That douchebag decided that it would be a good idea to wink at me right after i said that.

Layla saw him wink, and squirmed, and looked very uncomfortable. "Oh.. you met last night... um.. does this oatmeal taste odd to anyone else, or is it just me?" Oh jesus fucking christ... she thought... oh...

"I think its simply delicious." Michael answered, smiling at me. The second he licked his lips, I wanted to pour the burning hot oatmeal all over him, but i didn't. That little douche.

Layla got even more uncomfortable and walked away.

"What the fuck was that?!!" I asked, throwing my plastic spoon at him. It hit him in the nose. Nice shot Cali.

He rubbed his nose and frowned at me. "Oww... And that chic was flirting with me way too much. I had to do something to get her away."

I sighed, "And being seductive towards me was the way to do it??"

He smiled, "Precisely. And you know you loved it... Just wait until i are you after hours again..." He whispered the last part.

"Oh my god! Stop it!! She's gone, you can stop with the sexual body language and remarks."

" you think my body is sexy?" He teased.

I groaned and banged my head on the desk. The Nice Nurse came up to me, "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Men are so weird." I answered.

She laughed, "that they are." And she returned to her work.

Michael smiled at me. I glared at him, but i couldn't help but smile a little. Then, he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I laughed, and he seemed satisfied with himself.

Stupid douchebag...

HAPPY CHAPTER. I REPEAT. HAPPY CHAPTER. :-) thanks for reading!

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