Chapter 38

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*Violent Chapter Warning*

Addison's POV

I soon learned exactly what Sophie had meant when she said that the caretakers would beat the attitude out of me.

"Yo, new girl. Get over here. Now." The main guy, Fredrick, yelled at me. With a name like Fredrick, how could I be intimidated?? He might be tall and bulky, but... Fredrick.

I nodded and went over to him. "Listen here, I don't want you to cause any trouble. If you do, I will happily through you out on the streets like the piece of shit you are." He snarled at me.

Not a very polite introduction, Fredrick. And of course, since I'm a stupid bitch with no filter, I had to answer him. "It takes one to know one."

He smirked, "Oh, we have another bitch! Lovely. I love teaching you bitches exactly where you stand."

He pretty much towered over me. I might be 13, but I'm short for my age. I'm 4'9", and Fredrick looked like he was 6'1. Not only that, he was really REALLY muscular. I'm a stick.

"Well, right now I stand in front of a really fucking tall douchebag who takes pride in his ability to scare away bitchy people. However, I'm not your average bitch, and you definitely don't scare me. " One thing I learned from my mother is always hold your ground, if you don't, people will walk over you. And let me tell you, I'm not okay with being this dick's doormat.

In a blink of an eye, I was on the floor. He had kicked me right in the gut and now he was punching me repeatedly in the jaw.

Luckily for me, I had started martial arts classes at school when they learned about my mom beating me.

I jumped off the ground and kicked him straight in the groin, sending him groaning to the floor. It was refreshing, but then I noticed how much my gut hurt. Like damn, he hits really hard...

After a few seconds, he got up, and tackled me to the ground, and started punching me again. This time, I heard a loud crack. That bitch broke my nose. I cried out in pain, and he got up and kicked me as hard as he could in the side, right by my ribs. He did this until a few people pulled him back. Then he leaned down right next to my face and whispered, "You're gonna regret being born, little bitch."

...What I did next was probably the stupidest thing I could ever do in this situation...

I spat blood right in his dumbass face.

"FUCKING BITCH." He screamed, but he didn't get the chance to hit me, he had been pulled away into the lobby.

Even through the pain, I smirked a little. "Take that douche." I thought to myself.

Sophie grabbed me off the floor and dragged me to a chair. "You're such a fucking dumbass Ad." She mumbled as she cleaned the blood off of me. "Tough as shit, but a fucking dumbass."

"He started it..."

"Yes he did, but you're gonna regret that. Now he's out for your blood. " She answered, sighing loudly.

"Believe me, he got plenty of my blood. Right in his face. " I said, smiling a little.

She cracked a smile, and then shook her head, "You're a dumbass."

I grinned, "Yes I am. I'm a dumbass with a bloody, broken nose and excruciating pain in my stomach. But hey, at least I'm not dead, right?"

She stopped smiling, put her hand on her forehead, and sighed. "Not yet."

Hey guys!!! I'm actually really excited about this violent chapter, because it's going to be EXTREMELY important!!! :-) Also, I want your wonderful opinions on something. Should Esme come back into the story? Originally it was going to be based on her, but now I have a plan for the rest of the story and I want to know if you guys think that she should come back. Please answer in the comments! Thank you!

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