Chapter 33

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Addison's POV
Sometimes, I'm so glad that i have a mom, unlike many kids.

Then i come home.

The woman that raised me isn't my mother. Moms are supposed to be kind to you, love you, accept you for who you are, and take care of you. She doesn't do any of that. For the longest time, Cali was like my mom. Then, she tried to kill herself. When we got to the hospital, mom had to literally drag me away from her bedside. A few days later, and told me that Cali had died. Thanks for that mom. I just love being lied to.

When Cali "died" i pretty much took care of myself. I usually went to a friends house when i needed something, or when i needed a break, and i got along fine. My mom was awful most of the time, but sometimes she was alright. She was meanest when she was drunk, which was pretty normal. The past two years have been my version of hell. Not fun.

"Tell us exactly what happened with your mother." The Policeman, Officer Collins, asked me. They had driven me and Cali to the station, and they arrested my mom.

I told them the full story, and the woman asked, "If this has happened all your life, why didn't you tell us?"

"Because she threatened us. Is Cali going to go back to the asylum? What's going to happen to me??"

"Your sister is on her way back to the asylum right now. And you're going to go into Foster care."

Um excuse me? Foster care? No thanks. I would be better off on my own.

"Do i get a say in this?" I asked.

"No. You're a minor, so we have to make your decisions for you." She answered, looking at me sympathetically.

"Its my life, i should be able to make my own decisions. " I argued. I wanted to apologize for my attitude, but i didn't. I had the right to be upset. I just felt bad that this nice lady had to deal with me today. I'm usually a kind person, but not today.

"I agree, and I'm extremely sorry, but there's nothing i can do. We have to take you to a facility where you can stay until we find someone to foster you."

I sighed and nodded. She took me to the facility and when i walked in, i wanted to fall over and die, right there.

There was so many children. Everywhere. And i knew that i was going to be there for a while. No one wants to foster an ansty teen, and i don't blame them one bit.

Not the best chapter, I'm sorry! Next chapter will be better. Thanks for reading.

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