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Tamashi threw kunai at the tree.. Kakashi standing behind her.. Adjusting her position..
"Very good" he whispered. Tamashi smiled at him.. Her teacher.. Her guardian... He was like a father to her.. Ever since she was 4.. Kakashi smiled at her as she then threw the kunai, it hitting straight on.
"I... I did it.." She whispered.. Kakashi smiled and ruffled her hair. Tamashi looked at him and smiles....  He smiled back at her as he stepped back, walking a few metres away from her and gets into a fighting position. She looked at him and nodded getting into a fighting postion herself. He then walked forward, going to punch her but she caught his fist. Kakashi then grabbed put his katan and pointed the tip of the blade at her neck.. She then smirked and ducked she then Kicked it out of his grasp and moved backwards, catching his katana as it fell down. She then pointed it at him and smiled.
"Do I win?"
"No" he stated softly moving behind her and taking hold of her hand that was holding his katana, he then got hold of her free arm and twisted it behind her back, he then bent her arm over so the katana's blade was over her neck
"I do" he whispered smirking. Tamashi she frowned at him as he smiled
"You'll get there, I'll make sure of it" her eyes then brightened making him smile wider.
"Really? You'd do that?"
"Well yeah, you are my friend aren't you?" Tamashi grinned at him. He then let go of her and sheathed his katana
"You did well taking my weapon off me though" he stated ruffling her hair. Kakashi smiled as he sat down and watched her as she continued practising punch and kicking.
"Wanna try rasengan?"
"Rasengan?!" She shouted. Kakashi nodded
"Yeah rasengan"
"Hell yeah!!!" She yelled, kakashi smiled at her and nodded
"Alright then" he stated, Tamashi then sat down in his lap and faced him. Poking the end he of his jaw, kakashi smirked
"Could you stop poking it?" He asked, Tamashi pouted and continued poking..
"Why didn't I do this when I was young"
"You did"
"Oh" Tamashi muttered. Kakashi sighed and brought her hand down
"That's enough-" she then began poking his jaw with her other hand making him roll his eyes
"Tamashi come on that's enough" he said keeping both of her hands down, she then pouted and leant forward, nuzzling her head into his neck making him sigh and hug her
"You love hugs too much tama" he whispered.. Tamashi sighed as she hugged him tighter.. Kakashi smiled and hugged back
"This might sound weird... But.... Love you nii-San" she whispered Kakashi smiled wildly at her
"Love you two tama.......Sama" he whispered tamashi's eyes brightened as he hugged her.. Tamashi then sighed.. Closing her eyes as she listened to his breathing and the breeze make the trees sway slightly.. She soon fell asleep making him smile
"I guess that's it for training" he whispered.. The two had been training all day And tomorrow Tamashi would be put in her team with a jounin Sensei.. Kakashi sighed and picked her up bridal style, holding her gently as he teleported himself back to the house, once there he laid her down on his bed. He sighed and looked back to see itachi..."
"Itachi?" He asked.. Itachi had a serious look.. "What are you doing here?"
"Please.. Watch out for Sasuke... For me.." Its I whispered, kakashi looked at itachi with a confused look
"What do you mean?" Kakashi asked, itachi smiled a little
"Please just watch over Sasuke for me.. I can't be there.. Not now" itachi said.. Looking to Tamashi.. "Don't tell her I was here.." Kakashi nodded and looked back to Tamashi, when he looked back to the door way only to see itachi gone.. Kakashi sighed looking to Tamashi who was asleep.
"How much trouble must you cause me" he whispered.. Sitting beside her on the bed as she slept. Kakashi sighed and looked up..
"I'll be back" he whispered disappearing..

Time skip..
It was morning when Tamashi woke up.. She then sat up and saw a note on the bedside table, she then opened it and read it quietly.. Tamashi looked around and sighed, she was in kakashi's room. Waiting for him to come back.

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