5 demons

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"Tamashi-San!!!! I'm gonna pass!!! Believe it" Naruto shouted hands on his hips
"Naruto, I know you'll pass but you'll have to beat me in a spar in order to become hokage"
"I'll beat you then!" Naruto shouted, kakashi sweat drops at the boy.
"Yeah you'll have to wait until she beats me though" Kakashi muttered, he had quit anbu 3 years ago.. Tamashi had trained with him intensely. Now having almost as much power as Kakashi himself,
"Yeah and I will beat you"
"When you actually do" Kakashi states. Naruto frowned
"Tamashi-San! Why's he here?!" Naruto pointing to kakashi who smirked
"Naruto, he's my teacher, he has to come here anyway, he's gonna be teaching another team since my training is almost finished" Tamashi stated, kakashi sighed
"That hurt you know, saying you don't want me to train you anymore, after all these years of having to deal with you"
"Hey! I never said I didn't want you to train me!" Tamashi shouted, kakashi smirked and ruffled he hair
"Yeah but your still that little kid" Tamashi blushed, necklace visible.
"At least you kept this" she stated taking out his half of the necklace, kakashi smirked
"Why wouldn't I?" He asked, Naruto frowned
"You guys are weird!" Naruto shouted.
"Well if you didn't know Naruto I'll be helping kakashi's team"
"That's right" Kakashi muttered, a hawk then started circling around the two's head
"Better get going Naruto. Don't want to be late"
"Yeah! Don't worry about me!" Naruto shouted running off, Tamashi sighed, kakashi then rested his hand on her shoulder
"Come on, the hokage wants us" kakashi stated, Tamashi nodded
"Alright" the two then teleported to the hokage's office to see Kurenai, Gai, asuma and Hotaru
"Tamashi! Hey! Long time no see!" Hotaru said grinning, Tamashi smiled and nodded
"Yeah, it has" Tamashi whispered
"Ah Kakashi, Tamashi, I'm glad your here. Here is your team. The sensei's and I specifically said they were good for you both" the hokage stated, Tamashi took the slip of paper off the hokage and nodded
"Huh. Is the reason I'm helping out because of the jinchuriki?"
"Yes. Because you've learned fluently to control and use the tailed beasts that have been sealed within you. We have put you on this team"
"So I can help Naruto in controlling the nine tails If the seal is to break I presume?" Tamashi asked, the hokage nodded
"That is correct" Tamashi nodded, Tamashi then turned around and walked over to kakashi.
"Sakura haruno, Sasuke uchiha and Naruto"
"Geez what it be like this time"
"Who knows" Tamashi stated, the other jounin then got their teams
"Really? Aiko-sensei's kid?!" Hotaru shouted, Tamashi sweatdropped
"Thank god I only went on one mission with that team"
"I kinda agree" Kakashi whispered, Tamashi sighed, the hokage the dismissed them
"Come on, let's go"
"Tamashi" kakashi stated. Tamashi nodded, Tamashi had known about the habit of kakashi going to the memorial stone to stare. He was never late thanks to her always being with him...

Time skip
Tamashi sighed, and tapped kakashi's leg making him look down
"Time to go, your already late" Kakashi sighed
"Yeah alright, let's go then" the two then began moving.. Tamashi had turned 16 only a few days ago. Kakashi had made it special by teaching her Chidori fully instead of her having to copy it. As well as getting her new weapons and giving her his katana he had since his anbu career. Tamashi sighed, walking beside Kakashi, Tamashi had learnt about itachi and the uchiha massacre years ago. But walking past the old uchiha compound made her think of all the times and friendship she had with itachi and Sasuke when they were younger. Sasuke had now grown to forget Tamashi.. Tamashi never forgot the time she spent with her first friend in the academy even if it only lasted for a short time. Ayame however was one of tamashi's best friends. Since Kakashi and herself had often through the years went to ichiraku. Letting ayame and Tamashi get to know eachother well.. Naruto had grown up with Tamashi as well, the two being the best of friends.. Kakashi was also on good terms with the uzumaki blonde. Only after the promise he made to kushina. Kakashi sighed as he tapped tamashi's shoulder
"Tama out of it are ya?" He asked, Tamashi shook her head
"Oh.., uh kinda I was just thinking about minato and kushina again is all."
"Understandable" kakashi stated, they were already late, Tamashi then let Kakashi go Infront. It was then that they heard laughing
"EH?!?!?! Tamashi-San?!?!? Kakashi-San?!?!" Naruto shouted, jaw dropped. Tamashi sighed walking forward, duster had fallen ontop of kakashi's head, Tamashi smiled
"Hey Naruto-kun" Tamashi greeted, kakashi sighed and picked up the duster
"We'll have introductions on the roof" kakashi stated disappearing, Tamashi sighed
"Quick to retreat ass" Tamashi stated, arms crossed
"But I thought-" Naruto stated.
"Oh, he doesn't know I call him that.. Don't tell him though.." Tamashi muttered. The new team following her
"Tama.. What took you so long eh? Talking with the newbies are ya?" Kakashi muttered, Tamashi smirked
"Maybe I was. You were pretty quick to escape why's that huh?"
"Too many newbies" he stated, Tamashi smiled
"Your lazy Nii-San" Tamashi commented
"And your a ball of energy" he stated sighing, Tamashi smiled at kakashi as she sat down beside him on the railing. The three genin then sat down, Sasuke on the left Naruto on the right and Sakura in the middle.
"Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves" Kakashi told them, Tamashi smiled
"Huh? How?" Sakura asked, Tamashi sweatdropped.
"Geez" she muttered. Kakashi mentally facepalmed at the girls cluelessness
"Even Tamashi was smarter then you when she was four"
"Hey no comparing me to her!" Tamashi shouts, kakashi smirks
"You knew extremely powerful jutsu at a young age" Kakashi whispered. Tamashi sighed
"Just say your likes and dislikes that kind of stuff would ya? We don't have all day" Tamashi muttered. Naruto grinned
"Why don't you and Kakashi-Sensei introduce yourselves first!" Naruto shouted, Tamashi smiled
"I could, but I'll let the butt go first" Kakashi rolled his visible eye
"Teenagers" he muttered sighing, Tamashi laughed..
"Says you who was a teenager while raising me!" Tamashi shouted falling backwards off the railing while laughing, kakashi smirked
"Well you were only a kid"
"Uh huh" Tamashi muttered climbing back up "Anyway. Kakashi?" Tamashi then gesture to kakashi who sighed
"My names Kakashi hatake, my likes and dislikes huh? Don't think I'll tell you.. I have a lot of hobbies.." Tamashi scoffed making him smirk "and I've never thought about a dream" Kakashi muttered shrugging, Tamashi chuckled at him
"Only a little bits true"
"And what do you know?"
"I know quite a lot" Tamashi stated "any way Naruto. Your next"
"Okay! I'm Naruto uzumaki! My likes are eating ramen and helping my Tamashi-San in doing jobs! As well as watching her with kakashi-San train! My dislikes are the three minutes you have to wait for the ramen to cool and seeing Tamashi loose all the time-"
"I don't loose all the time!!" Tamashi protested.
"You haven't beat me once"
"Oh shut up!" Tamashi pouted. Naruto grinned
"Well anyway, my dream is to become hokage and beat tamashi-San at it to!" Naruto exclaimed, Tamashi smirked
"I'll beat you" she commented,
"Next I guess" kakashi stated, Sakura smiled
"Uh my names Sakura haruno, my likes are....." Glances at Sasuke "..my hobbies are.. "Glances to Sasuke and giggles "and my dreams of the future are.. "Looks to Sasuke and squeals... Tamashi sighs
"And dislikes?" Kakashi asked
"Naruto!!" She shouts. Naruto look at the pinkette with a hurt look. Tamashi sighed
"You do know, fangirling over someone may get you killed right? Trust me" Tamashi muttered lifting her shirt slightly to see a scar,
"You haven't told me about that one" Kakashi muttered
"I didn't plan too" Tamashi whispered. Kakashi sighed and shook his head
"Get it healed at home would ya? Have enough scars"
"So do you"
"So?" He asks, Tamashi frowns
"Next" kakashi stated, Tamashi sighs and looks to Sasuke
"My names Sasuke uchiha, I don't particularly like anything and hate a lot of things, my dream isn't a dream because I will make it a reality, I will restore my clan and kill a certain man" Tamashi looked saddened
"Sasuke, you shouldn't. It'll only make it worse along the way" Tamashi whispers.
"What do you know?" Sasuke growled
"I know that going after revenge isn't the way to do things. It'll just hurt you and those around you" Kakashi nodded slightly
"Alright then Tamashi your turn?"
"Geez. The names Tamashi Ōtsutsuki, I like training, ramen especially beef cause we always have that.. Ummmm nii-San.... Uhh my dislikes are bullies cause I've been bullied a little bit... Uh stuck up people cause they just think their the best... When nii-San doesn't train me or calls me Tamashi-chan... My hobbies are eating ramen and training and my dream.. Well I a have a few.. First is too become hokage, then it's too beat Kakashi in a match and I guess the last one is to protect my family and friends I guess" Tamashi stated sighing, kakashi smiled
"And you'll never beat me"
"Your the one who said I have a lot of power!"
"So? Your quick to move. You don't listen or recognise weak points"
"Like you have weak points, your... You!" Kakashi smiled.
"Yeah well, just deal with it.. Tamashi-chan" Tamashi then fumed and punched his shoulder making him smirk
"Shut up! Baka!" Tamashi growled
"But why do you want to beat kakashi-Sensei?"
"Because, he's the one who trained me! I wanna surpass him before I become hokage!" Tamashi shouted. "I can use the tails and demons chakra too"
"You know fighting fully is off limits"
"So?! I could beat you easily if you allow deadly jutsu!"
"Oh..." Tamashi muttered, kakashi sighed ruffling her hair
"Your still a child"
"Says you, your old"
"I'm only 10 years older then you"
"Sure" Kakashi sighed at her
"So your her Nii-san?" Sakura asked
"Yeah.. I am sadly" Kakashi muttered
"Hey!" Tamashi growled, pouting at him.
"We'll get some ramen after this to make up for it okay?" Kakashi muttered
"Yeah!!!!!!" Tamashi shouted "oh and by the way you three, I'm a jinchuriki, I'm here to teach Naruto how to control the nine tails" the other two smirked
"How can we be sure?!" Sakura shouted, Tamashi sighed and lifted her sleeve showing a seal,
"This is the seal. Sealing all 10 tailed beasts into me and keeping the 5 chakra demons inside of me" Tamashi exclaimed grinning
"Besides I'll be the best hokage there is!" She shouted pointing her thumb to herself and grinning. Kakashi nodded
"Yeah" Naruto grinned
"Me and Naruto are already fighting for the title anyway"
"Yep!" Naruto shouted, kakashi sighed
"Well we'll start training tomorrow morning at 5" kakashi stated, the team then began talking, asking nonstop questions which Tamashi answered. Smiling.. She was getting to know her team.. And she was having fun doing it.. Tamashi then got an idea
"Hey Naruto, let's meet up after this I want to show you something" Tamashi stated smiling, Naruto grinned
"Okay!" Naruto shouted, Tamashi nodded then glanced to kakashi
"I'll be back later to train"
"Alright" Kakashi whispers sighing. The team then left, Tamashi with Naruto and Sasuke with Sakura leaving the jounin to his book.

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