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Tamashi sighed, kakashi walking beside her..
"You know you didn't have to come right?" Tamashi asked. Kakashi smirked
"Well wouldn't want them getting scared of you"
"It's what they all do" Tamashi said sighing. Kakashi sighed at her and ruffled her hair
"Well if they don't like you, you can always come and train with me"
"I'd prefer that" Kakashi chuckled and smiled
"Yeah well, you know my teaching methods don't you?"
"Way too well" she grumbled making Kakashi chuckle
"I'm proud of you though Tamashi. I mean that, your a capable ninja" Tamashi smiled feeling her cheeks heaten up slightly..
"Arigatou..." She whispered. Kakashi smiled as the girl blushed, the two then entered the hokage's office two see two other teens and another jounin.
"Ah Tamashi, kakashi"
"No way we're not having the copy cat ninja on or team are we?!" One asked excitedly. Tamashi sighed and Kakashi smirked, the hokage then smiled
"No Hotaru, kakashi won't be joining your team, anyway, Tamashi here will be joining your team" the hokage stated gesturing to Tamashi, Tamashi gave her new teammates a small smile and waved slightly as well. Kakashi sighed and ruffled her hair
"I'll be out a mission"
"Again?! When are you ever gonna have a break"
"When I die" kakashi stated smirking "Ja Ne" he stated disappearing, the hokage then smiled again
"Tamashi this is Hotaru tsuki, kida momeru and your new Sensei aiko jukidu"the hokage Introduced. Tamashi nodded but the two other genin only gave her mean looks. Tamashi sighed
"You three this is Tamashi Ōtsutsuki, the last known Ōtsutsuki clan member" the hokage introduced Tamashi to the other kids who weren't even paying attention. Tamashi sighed as her new teacher sighed
"Alright come on, to the gates" the man stated. Tamashi followed behind her new teammates who didn't seem to like her that much.
"Aiko Sensei why is she on our team?"
"Because she is kida" Tamashi looked up.
Baka... You really think I'll let you be trained by some measly imbeciles?!
"Calm down kyuubi. It's only until I pass the chuunin exams"
Baka. You never listen
Neither do you Kurama
"You two.." Tamashi growled.. Hotaru looked back at her and smirked
"Who are you talking too huh? Your imaginary friends?"
"No actually I'm communicating with Shukaku, the one tails and Kurama the nine tails" Tamashi growled arms crossed.
"I-ichibi and ky-kyuubi?!" Aiko shouted alarmed.. The two genin then looked at the young ninja terrified... Tamashi sighed as she closed her eyes, forming a handsign with her hands
"Kai!" She shouted everything around her diasspeared as she appeared Infront of jubi's cage
"Tell them to stop arguing before I snap"
"Why? The fox is correct the jounin is weak, unlike your actual Sensei" Tamashi looked to the Jubi with an eye brow raised
"What do you mean by that.. Ju-Ju" Tamashi snapped At the ten tails,
"As soon as that anbu started training with you... He's became stronger.. And he knows it too. Training with an jinchuuriki does slightly make the enemy more excited" Tamashi let out a long sigh as she sat Infront of the ten tails cage
"I'd release some of you if I could. sadly minato-Sama sealed you all into me almost fully"
"Not everyone" kokou growled, Tamashi then stood up looking back to the five tails cage
"What do you mean not everyone?"
"The demons have not been sealed"
"Demons?" Tamashi questioned, son goku nodded
"Hai, demons, 5 to be exact" Tamashi sighed
"Torashi, Nekoma, okamishi, Ryūkuō and Fenikoru" saiken stated sighing, Tamashi looked at the tailed beasts
"Where are they now?"
"Sealed within your chakra.. They're chakra is kept within your chakra, that's why you have such a large amount of chakra, your blood was mixed with that of the shinobi village's demons"
"Then centre of all shinobi" Shukaku added onto what isobu said..
"Then... I'm not only a jinchuriki..."
"You are the host of the five nation's demons" Kurama spoke up laying his head on his legs as he laid there in his cage gazing upon the girl with an amused look "to see your reaction is what I have been waiting for, for many years I've imagined how you would react to the fact that your not only a host to us.. But to the demons that had been thought to have perished in the third shinobi war"  Tamashi nodded
"I'll be going, the team is probably wondering what I'm doing" Tamashi she then  the did hand sign "Kai!" She shouted once again, opening her eyes to see her teammates staring at her
"Gomenasai" tamashi muttered as her new team walked beside her, both genin glaring at her..
"What with that stare. Your eyes were like flickering to different ones"
"That's none of you business, Hotaru" Tamashi stated sighing
"Alright let's get to introductions, I'm aiko jukidu. I have many likes but not many dislikes"
"I'm Hotaru tsuki! I love playing shoji! But I hate having to wait on useless people who aren't supposed to become a ninja" Hotaru stated "my dream is to be a sannin! Better then jiriaya-Sama!" Hotaru shouted. Kida was next, Tamashi nodded
"I'm kida momeru. I like helping people and trying to teach the younger kids how to be ninja, my dislikes are jinchuriki... They just make me so angry because they killed innocent people.. Well my dream is to become a medical ninja just like tsunade-Sama! Maybe even better!" Kida shouted, aiko then looked to Tamashi..
"The name Tamashi Ōtsutsuki. As the others have said and already know I'm a jinchuriki.. My likes are training with my best fried who I call my big brother, protecting my friends and keeping everyone safe. My dislikes are the people who kill for no reason, bullies and stuck people. My dream.. It's been my dream since I was little, and that was to defeat my superiors in one on one combat and become the next hokage" Tamashi stated arms crossed "the thing I live for is my family and friends, if anything dares threaten or hurt either they will be punished, not just by me  but by the tailed beasts as well" Tamashi growled, looking back at her team with a serious expression...
You tell them tama-hime!
'Arigatou, matatabi' 
'Yeah beat them for us too... Wouldn't want to miss out on the fun' Tamashi nodded and began walking.. Her teammates and teacher behind her
"Why is she such a brat?!" Hotaru shouted going to punch tamashi in the back of the head. Tamashi growled appearing behind the boy
"If you want to punch me, do it where I'll be able to feel the pain instead of having to be knocked out" Tamashi growled.. Her chakra rising.. A short anbu member then appeared behind her, kunai to her neck
"Found her" he stated into the radio.. Tamashi sighed
"Did nii-San send you?"
"How did you-?!" The boy growled, looking back to her team
"Go ahead she'll catch up when I'm finished" the team nodded running ahead.. Tamashi sighed, the masked boy lifting his mask
"Tama-chan.. You can't attack people like that"
"Gah why do you anbu member always have to pick up on his habit of calling me by chan!!" Tamashi growled shifting backwards arms crossed, the new female anbu jumped down
"The hokage ordered us to keep watch with Taichou-Sama is gone. We will be escorting you and your new teammates to your destination"  Tamashi sighed
"Does the hokage really doubt my abilities to keep the tailed beasts under control?" Tamashi muttered face palming
"Grr what the hell" she muttered running away to catch up with her team, but they were no where ahead.

Her eyes then changed colour, everything went white and black, but she could see three chakra's running away from a couple hundred metres away from her..
"Byakugan" she whispered smirking.. "This will be useful" she stated. Moving forward.. She was going to catch up with her team and complete her first mission, even if it meant for her to use the tailed beasts power to get to her goal..
"Bijū: chakra infuse!" She shouted doing handsigns, the tailed beasts felt a sudden urge
Go ahead
The tailed beats all stated at the same time as she suddenly bolted forward. Faster then before... Though she had weights on..she then began running, her eyes changing to green slitted ones as she went faster and faster.
"Nekoma! Bijū akuma!" She shouted, her team terrified of her as she bolted towards them.. In a form that made kida faint..

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