Mycroft Headcanons

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Mycroft, like his brother, never sleeps or eats when "working"-- this being whenever he's doing highstakes diplomacy or when something goes horribly wrong, like with Bond Air. Anthe has had to corner him in his office and force him to eat, even if it's just crisps or a sandwich, more than once.


Mycroft and Sherlock get into intense fights over classical music and get incredible vicious while at it. On every family gathering, when Sherlock eventually agrees to play one of his own pieces, Mycroft will later accuse him of ripping off at least 6 different composers and they will bicker over it for the rest of the evening.


Mycroft has social anxiety. That's why he has servants to deal with most of people for him and that's the reason he asks so often Sherlock to solve his cases. But Sherlock doesn't know about this. Mycroft had hidden it so well that Sherlock just assumes that his brother is lazy.


Mycroft began to hang out with 'punks' and learn to play the drums as a teenager as a form of rebellion. When Sherlock started to hang out with drug addicts, their parents originally thought it was the same crowd and thought nothing of it. Mycroft knew the difference and stepped in first, which is why Sherlock makes so many jabs about his brother trying to parent him.


Sherlock built his homeless-network years ago to find his younger sister, as she ran away from home, because she was constantly treated like the biggest disgrace because she suffers from dyscalculia. He never found her. Mycroft did and exiled her to Germany, to another family. He never told Sherlock or their parents about it.


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