chapter five

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Chapter five- Tony Price POV

"I don't see him," Santos growled, "where the fuck could he have possible ran to?"

I can't tell if he's angry or worried. Either way he must really care for Daniel because for any of the rest of us he could care a donkey's ass about. He knocked out Cory for crying out loud.

"Let's go back," I said brushing past him, "He's probably waiting for us with the others."

"Whatever," he muttered.

We started back to where we last left Cory and Jaylen. Our small flashlights barely shinning the way, making it difficult to see. The moon was no help either, if anything it made things worse casting large shadows of nothing making us jump every other step. The wind ruffled the heavy branches of the trees above making a howling sound giving everything surrounding us an eerie feeling. Even the rocks seemed scary.

"There you guys are," Daniel sighed relieved pacing around Cory's body, "I thought you guys were dead."

"Where's Jaylen?" I asked searching for him.

"He's taking a piss somewhere over there," He said pointing behind him, "What happened to Cory? Why is he knocked out?"

I turned and peeked at Santos. He better start explaining because I wanted to know too.

"I helped him if anything," Santos stated plainly shuffling his feet.

"Helped him?" Jaylen shouted appearing from a big fluffy bush behind Daniel, "You call that helping?" He pointed to Cory on the floor turning red and the veins in his face popping out, "How the hell is knocking the poor kid out helping him? You could have killed him."

We all stood silent waiting for Santos to reply or get angry but he didn't. He stood there looking at the floor, his face stone hard displaying no emotion at all. Jaylen, now furious started to march right up to Santos but was intersected my Danny.

"Calm down," he whispered to Jaylen, "Cory's fine, he breathing okay that's all that counts at the moment," he turned to us smiling weakly, "Okay, now that that's cleared up shall we start moving?"

"Did you see how he was shaking?" Santos shouted startling all of us.

"Yeah, and I was going to help calm him down. You didn't even let him answer my question, when bam, you smacked him. Now we either wait until he wakes up or you have to carry him." Jaylen hissed at Santos through gritted teeth.

"Alright," I interjected, "let's all calm down and focus. We can worry about Cory when we start moving."

Someone needed to get them to focus and I guess that was going to be me. I shook my head as I saw Jaylen flashing Santos his middle finger. Santos could snap his neck if he wanted to I don't see why Jaylen is provoking him. The guy was just trying to help and he kind of did. If Cory were awake right now he would probably crying, rocking himself back in forth waiting for the sun to rise.

"Alright we can go over that hill over there." I pointed north, "and we can find the nearest place and rest."

"Its easier said then done," Jaylen spat. Clearly he was still upset.

"Yeah we don't have a choice now do we," Santos shot back.

"Well," Jaylen said twirling a strand of his curly hair, "Your going to carry Core cause' its your fault he's like that."

We all stared at Cory for a long minute wondering if he was going to get up anytime soon. He was like everyone's annoying little brother, but you couldn't help but be nice and help him out when ever he was in need.

"And your carrying him bridal style because any other way he might get hurt."

We all chuckled, minus Santos, and looked up at Jaylen. Why was he pushing Santos to the limit? I sure as hell didn't want to see him explode anytime soon.

"I'm drop dead serious," Jaylen stated plainly skimming the trees behind us.

Santos just grunted in response. I'm pretty sure he's containing himself from ripping Jaylen's head off right now.

"Okay back to the matter at hands," Daniel said wiping his cheeky smile off his face, "Like Tony said we go north, and I guess we see what comes along."

"But I'm hungry," Jaylen whined.

"Then eat!" the three of us, Santos, Daniel, and I shouted back.

His eyes went wide. He put his hand up defensively shaking his head.

"Holy baby Jesus!" Jaylen exclaimed in horror, his face turning pale and his lips starting to twitch, "I left my ravioli in the car!"

We looked at him with disbelief. All that for a can of pasta. And its not even good. We thought there was zombie or something.

"Hurry up and eat or we are going to leave you," Santos growled.

Jaylen glared at him and went back to digging out food from his bag. I sighed in exhaustion. I just wanted to rest, was that to much to ask?


this one is kind of boring, sorry. the action shall begin shortly after this one :p

and my internet soo slow, its like bleeding to death through a paper cut -________-

please comment, vote, and fan :D

[sorry for the mistakes]

THE APOCALYPSE: Surviving The Undead! [book 1 of The Apocalypse Series]Where stories live. Discover now