Chapter Eighteen

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its not edited so please excuse the mistakes... I hope this one is longer. I will be updating sooner though so it should make up for it. Sooo I hope you enjoy it and stiff :)


Chapter 18- Santos POV

"I can't believe we just left him there. Left him to rot alone and in the shit hole of all fucking places," Jaylen hissed as we approached the military base.

The sun was still high in the cloudless sky and the wind gently tickled the leaves on the ground and ruffled the thick branches of the trees that surrounded the base. Everyone was alert and looking around except Jaylen. He was still raging from the unfortunate events from earlier.

"Chill out, Jaylen. We couldn't risk getting infect or carrying the virus without knowing. It could be very dangerous," Santana whispered. She seemed different. Her voice squeaky and soft unlike her usual hard and stern one.

Jaylen just glared at the back of her head and continued walking in silence. No one said a word and the silence hung heavy and tense.

In no time big metal doors meant our eyes. "Stay close behind. I don't know what's in here. Okay?" Santana said. Her voice returning to its stern mode. We nodded and focused in every direction.

"Ton-" I cut myself off. I shook my head and refocused, "I mean Jaylen, Daniel, and Cory keep your eyes open. Sideways and up on the damn ceiling."

"Yeah," they chorused. I turned and their sadness poured into me. All of sudden I felt heavier and every step felt like forever, I felt like not moving, staying there and rotting away just Tony. I felt guilty. He didn't deserve that, even robbers and low lives get a better burial then that.

"Turn your flashlights on."

Following the orders of the woman in charge, I crouched lower and took in my surroundings. The hallway was wide and completely dark, the place in the distance was trashed. With the little light emitting from the flashlight attached to my shotgun I saw nothing threatening, just trash, as if a hurricane had swept across the inside of the base.

"Why is it so dark?" Cory asked. His voice echoed off the hallway walls a couple times before it stopped.

"I don't know, genius," Jaylen hissed, "maybe it has to do something with the lights being off."

Cory growled, but didn't reply. We all understood why Jaylen was being such a dick. I guess we all deal with loss differently.

Silence settled in once again as we walked. The hallway emptied out in one big room, from that room different hallways branched off in different direction. "Where too?" I asked looking to my right at the side of Santana.

"Well, I need to go get something. You guys can go down that way," she pointed up to a hallway to our left, "and pick up better weapons and more ammo."

"I'm not letting you go by yourself," I stated calmly.

"That's not your decision to make," she hissed stubbornly, "I can handle myself, alright."

"I agree with Santos," Daniel pitched in patting my shoulder, "we don't know what's in here. Its better to be safe then sorry."

The other two nodded in agreement and she let out a deep breath of frustration. "Whatever. Daniel come with me. Santos, pick some good shit out." Her lips twitched at the end, but resumed to their frown.

I like the fact that whenever she talkes about guns or any weapon in general her face lights up. I'm guessing she gets the same rush as me. "Fine. We meet back here in exactly one hour. If we aren't back fifteen minutes after we go looking for the ones missing, alright?" I said sternly.

"Whatever," she retorted smacking me in the process. We separated marching in opposite directions with different missions to accomplish. In exactly one hour we need to be back.

THE APOCALYPSE: Surviving The Undead! [book 1 of The Apocalypse Series]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang