Chapter 19

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Zayn POV

So I'm heading back to New York a bit early. Thought I stayed longer but no. A big rain storm is going to hit pretty soon and if I don't go. I'll be stuck here for a week. Which is not good. Ally and Zack are starting year soon and I'm not going to miss that. Also Christopher turning 1 and again not missing that. Can't believe ally is all grown up. She was just a small little girl wanting daddy to be with her at all time now she's barely needs me. Ugh I hate she's growing up. Why can't she stay the way she is forever ever and ever.

"Sir we have arrived to the airport" the driver said. I thanked him and got out. JFK is pretty busy. People coming back from there holiday. Makes me wonder why I didn't take Ally and the rest on holiday.

"Here you go" he hands me my luggage. I thanked him and head inside. I'm first class, so whoo hoo. I'm guessing when I come home is Liam birthday. But then again I'm not going home. Staying at El place, gabby knows I'm not ready to face them. So I won't show up till they live to another state.

6-7 Hours later

It's 3 in the afternoon in California. El texted me she was outside in the car. Grabbing my bag and heading out. Thank god that today isn't a busy day in the airport. I would have been mob by fans. Rushing inside the car. But first putting my luggage in the back trunk.

"Hey" she smile ones I got in.

"Hello" I smile back. Starting the engine. Driving to the Starbucks and McDonald drive through. Got myself a ice coffee and some chicken nugget and fries. Wasn't that hungry. El on the other hand got burgers, fries, milkshake. She was going at it. Ones we got to her place and settle in. We sat in the couch.

"So tell me everything" I said.

"Well nothing happen. Lou ignore me but he kept staring at me. Gabriela went to talk to both Harry and Lou. Liam no I don't know why but yeah. Lou has been strange around me. Like I know your having a kid with someone else" she said.

"Do you still have feelings for him" I ask

"A bit not much. Gabby told me when she talk to him. He said he didn't miss me at all. Kind of hurt but oh well" she shrugged.

"Wow. Louis is a bitch. He can't be saying that" I said.

"I don't care. I'm moving on. Oh and I didn't tell the boys because they haven't found out. So maybe tomorrow I might tell them before gabby does" she said

"Okay" I nod my head.

"So how was your trip" she ask.

"Great. Sign to the RCA. We celebrated by going out but I didn't feel like to party in clubs so I stayed in my hotel room talking to ally and Zack on FaceTime" I smile

"Congrats on that. We Should do something. Maybe grab some dinner" she ask. I agree on that. You know being with el is good. I'm not always thinking about gabby. Knowing I won't stop loving gabby. Maybe fake dating el won't be a bad idea. I know this is for making gabby jealous and crawling back to me. But I don't know why I feel like this relationship is nice. Like I could see a future with el. Maybe I'm going delusional.

Few Hours Later

Gabby POV

Heading to the arena with the kids. My mom and brother came along. Dad wasn't feeling good so stayed home. I kept calling el of she wanted to come but she never picked up my calls. Maybe she hanging with Zayn. Ally was holding hand with my brother while I was carrying destiny and Chris. Speaking of Chris yesterday he learn how to say mama and potatoes. Don't know why potato but knowing Niall love for them. I see where he learn it from.

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