Dave Strider x Reader

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You woke up to your alarm clock blaring. You hit snooze and laid in bed for what felt like 5 minutes but was actually 20.

You sat up and looked at the clock and saw you had only 20 minutes to get to school. You quickly raced to your bathroom and brushed your teeth and fixed your hair. You then ran to your closet and pulled out a (f/c) shirt, skinny jeans, and a (f/c) pair of converse. You quickly changed and then ran to where you had packed your book bag for your new school. You grabbed it along with your shades, phone, and headphones. Then you ran out of the house and in the direction of your new school.

Once you got to school, you went straight to the office and got your schedule. Your first class was Math.

"Where exactly is the math room?" You asked the secretary.

"Oh that's right! I'm sorry I forgot but a boy named Dave is your tour guide. Let me call him here." You nod at the secretary as she calls 'Dave' over the intercom.

A few minutes later a boy about your age walks in. He had platinum blonde hair and shades on. (Along with his clothes) He walked up to you and smiled.

"I'm Dave, Dave Strider. You must be (Y/N)." You nod at him. "Well let's go look around the school."

**Time Skip**

It was now lunch and you were walking alongside Dave with your lunch in your hand. He was taking you to meet some of his friends.

"(Y/N), meet my friends!" Dave says. You see a few kids and trolls.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) and it's nice to meet you all!" You say.

"This is Aradia, Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Nepeta, Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Equius, Gamzee, Eridan, Feferi, Roxy, Rose, Jake, Jade, and John." Dave introduces you to them, pointing at each of them as he says their name. They all wave at you and continue what they were doing.

**Another time skip. It's now a few weeks later and you and Dave are getting closer each day you are together.**

"Hey (Y/N) I have to talk to you in private." Dave tells you and drags you away from your conversation with Karkat.

"Yeah, what is it, Dave?" You ask him as you two get out of the cafeteria and into the empty hall way. He looks nervous and rubs the back of his neck.


"What? I couldn't understand you. Say it slower." You say as you rest your hand on his shoulder.

"(Y/N), I've had a crush on you for a while and I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend. I mean I totally understand if you do-" You cut off his ranting with a kiss.

"Yes, Dave. I would love to be your girlfriend!" You say as you pull away from the kiss and hug him.

🚫You decide the rest🚫

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