Stripper! Yuuri x Viktor (Lime?)

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Viktor walked through the dimly lit building. Strobe lights danced across the stage, lighting up the strippers that danced erotically. The music pulsed throughout the room, sending vibrations out from how loud it was.

Viktor walked up to the bar, asking a bartender for a drink and taking a seat. He watched the strippers dance, grinding up on the pole as men cheered. The bartender sat Viktor's drink down, going to serve the next customer.

"And next on stage, we have the lovely Yuuri Katsuki dancing his original choreography~" The DJ proclaimed to the crowd, sending them into a frenzy.

The upbeat music began as a male stripper came up on stage. His black hair glimmered in the multicolored lights, his toned stomach and chest was dusted in glitter, and his beautiful blue eyes shines brightly as he began swaying his hips to the song.

Yuuri wore tight fitting blue boxers that exposed his cleanly shaved thighs. His legs shone as he gracefully wrapped them around the pole as he started his routine.

Viktor sat in amazement at the beauty before him. He occasionally sipped his drink, but made sure to keep his eyes glued to the man.

Yuuri scanned the crowd, looking at each face individually. Eventually, Yuuri's eyes met Viktor's. Neither broke contact as Yuuri ground his butt against the pole in a seductive manor. Viktor could feel his pants tighten and he shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

Yuuri smirked as he broke eye contact with Viktor to move up the pole. His muscles flexed as he moved around the pole. He hung upside down, striking a pose near the middle of the pole, as his song came to an end. He slowly rotated around as he panted. He smiled at the audience as he slid down the pole, walking off the stage with his hips purposefully swaying.

The crowd cheered as another stripper came on stage. Viktor sighed as he looked away from the stage, instead scanning the crowd. He was disappointed that Yuuri's dance was over.

"Hello~" Someone purred in Viktor's ear. He jumped slightly, looking over to met the bright blue eyes of Yuuri Katsuki. "I saw you watching me dance, see something you like?" Viktor gulped and nodded.

"Y-yes." He stuttered out, looking down while blushing. Yuuri smirked, his hand grabbing Viktor's shoulder. He could feel him tense under his grip. Yuuri trailed his hand lightly down Viktor's shoulder, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the bar.

"Come with me." Yuuri said as he began walking towards the back of the club. Viktor was sweating slightly in nervousness, trailing behind the stripper.

Yuuri walked into a room dimly lit with a black love seat, glass coffee table, and a stereo in the corner of the small room. Yuuri pushed Viktor towards the couch as he walked over to the stereo, pushing a couple of buttons before music flowed throughout the room.

"Take a seat and get comfortable." Yuuri told Viktor as he walked over to the door, closing it quietly and locking it after. Yuuri slowly walked over to Viktor, looking at him as if he were his prey.

"W-what are you-" Viktor was cut off as Yuuri sat on his lap.

"Relax." Yuuri told him as he rested his hands on his shoulders. He slowly ground down on Viktor's, already growing, erection in time with the music.

Viktor hissed at the feeling it gave him. Yuuri chuckled, bringing his mouth close to Viktor's ear. He licked the shell of his ear seductively. He grunted as Yuuri placed a light, open-mouthed kiss on his neck, turning around in his lap to grind his ass up against Viktor. Viktor watched as Yuuri's back muscles moved along with his body.

All too soon, in Viktor's opinion, the song ended and Yuuri got off of Viktor's lap. He looked down in his lap and blushed furiously before returning his gaze to the stripper in front of him. Yuuri smirked at Viktor's discomfort and his erection.

"This one is on the house~" Yuuri huskily whispered to Viktor as he turned off the stereo and walked to the door.

"I'll be back," Viktor finally found the courage to speak. At the sound of his voice, Yuuri turned around and winked.

"Of course you will, I'll see you then~"


I think I'm starting to get better at these 😂 and that picture though 😍

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