Jake English x Reader

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Your best friend, Jake English, was your friend since 1st grade. He had stood up for you when you had fallen off the jungle Jim at school, and you had been friends since.

Although you didn't see Jake much, since most of the time he was on adventures, you had developed a "small" crush on him.

Oh who were you kidding, you had developed a MAJOR crush on the Adventurous Brit.

Right now, he was packing for his next adventure in the Caribbean Islands. He said something about there being a lost native tribe.

"Which pair of shorts?" He asked holding up 2 of the same pairs of shorts.

"Jake? Are you ok because those are the exact same." You asked him. He looked down.

"Oh gosh, you're right. Oh well, two is better than one!" He exclaimed and placed both of the shorts in the bag he was bringing.

"Why? You're only going there for a day or so." You asked. He shrugged and continued packing.
"Oh! I almost forgot! I was going to ask if you wanted to join me on this adventure?" Jake exclaimed. You were in shock, he never invited you on adventures with him, even if you were great friends. But you quickly snapped out of it.

"Yes!" You answered.

"Ok, well go home and pack and I'll come and pick you up afterwards. You nodded and left Jake's house.

*Time Skip*

You arrived in the Caribbean a while ago. It was absolutely beautiful. Right now you were looking for a campsite Jake had planned to stay at.

"Ok! So we turn left here. And go straight until we see a lake and we should be there!" Jake was too busy looking at him map to notice he was just about to walk straight into the lake he was talking about, but you pulled him back just in time.

"I don't think you want to go swimming right now. Especially in all of your clothes and extra clothes you have on your back." You giggled as he realized what he was about to do.

"Right!" He said, blushing a deep red. You just giggled again.

"So we should probably get settled down and we can explore tomorrow, since it's already too late because of SOMEONE who got lost." You emphasized 'Someone' and looked at Jake as you said it.

"It wasn't my fault! The trees look the same on the map!" He argued.

"Its a wonder you haven't gotten lost before." You say and grab the bag that has the tent inside. "Let's set this up." Jake nodded and you both began setting it up.

*Time Skip*

It was now night time. You and Jake had already ate what he packed for you two for dinner. It was good.

Jake being the smart person he was, only brought 2 blankets. The fluffiest one to lay on the bottom of the tent floor for cushioning and one to cover up with. He also brought 2 pillows; one for each of us.

Jake was laying down waiting for me. You laid down after him and turned off the laturn flash light. Jake scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)." Jake whispered.

"Night, Jake." You replied and fell asleep.

*Time Skip*

You woke up rather early this morning because of Jake. He wanted to get out and start exploring.

You were now on what was the remains of the Native Temples and Village; the whole reason Jake wanted to come here. There was still some buildings intact and Jake and Yourself would walk in them.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Jake asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"I just wanted to say that..... uh, this is a really cool building. Yeah! So cool!" Jake laughed nervously.

"That's not what you wanted to say. What is it?" You asked, worriedly.

"Well it's just-" Jake cut himself off by smashing his lips onto yours. You kissed back immediately and wrapped your arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance. To which you accepted. Soon after, you pulled away for much needed air.

"Wow..." You trailed off, breathlessly.

"Wow..." Jake copied.

"So what does this mean?" You ask, nervously.

"Will you be my girlfriend, (Y/N)?" Jake asked. You smiled largely and hugged him tightly.


🚫You Decide The Rest🚫

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