Friends in Alliance

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Most people wouldn't think twice when hearing a laugh and if you did it would be in fear of it being directed towards yourself. But in this case when indigo let out a real laugh her brothers both stopped what they were doing to turn and stare at the foreign noise.
Upon seeing the pair of royals both boys dropped their cups.
Indigo held on to social reposes arm the entire night saving not only him but herself from other people. Besides one awkwardly long and unavoidable conversation indigo had with king Richard and a dance social repose would be a monster to refuse with the dutchess of lilly gardens who was no more than six years old, the two did a good job of not having other social interactions. At quarter till twelve the king dismissed the prince's and princess back to their rooms.
The two separate family children split once on the fourth floor. On the sixth floor the three siblings went into their own rooms.
Indigo was undressed and put into her sleeping cloths. Once the veil was in place she quickly walked over to the door that separated zines room from hers and knocked.
"Get in here and spill every detail you have." zine said pulling her in by the wrist luka was already there.
Indigo grabbed a much of whatever hot tea her brother had ordered and draped the edge of the veil over it along with her hands.
Indigo relayed everything she knew while tracing rthe edge of the cup. She dislkied cinnimon and the cup radiated the stench of it.
"Well it looks like we have a new friend." zine said smiling and indigo nodded.
"Or a new brother with the way she laughed and held on to him the whole night." luka muse and just barely dodged the pillow indigo threw at him. "Perhaps we should invite him to our late night tea sessions. Shall we go zine?" luka kept poking fun
"I doubt he's awake its three in the morning and besides why ruin a good thing by adding more contact." indigo interjected.
"I do believe we should dear brother." zine said standing up
"Don't you dare!" indigo protested standing up and spilling the mug.
"I think she very much likes him. what about you luka?" zine teased.
"Oh i do think you are right we must alert the forest that their queen might bring in a king soon." Luka didn't avoid the pillow this time and it hit him head on.
"Yes!" indigo threw her arms up in triumph and dramatically fell backwards onto zines bed.
"Ouch. Zine what are your pillows made from? Lead? Damn that hurt." luka protested as the room lit up with small giggles.
The room turned unnaturally quiet after hearing a noise in the separate bedroom to the left. The bells from lillac speaking of course but also a voice rather new to the three.
"I understand she's unavailable at the moment i just would like to wait here for a moment till she gets back. I have a very important question for the princess." social repose said to the chamber maiden for the thousandth time.
The group of three suddenly stood up and cautiously walked to the door connecting the two rooms together. They stopped and listened to lillac jingle about how indigo wouldn't like some strange man in her bed chambers this late at night.
"I don't care. What i have to say is important. I'll wait here." indigo opened the door and stared at the two in confusion. The boys followed her in much the same fashion.
"Indigo." social repose said standing up quickly.
"Social Repose do you understand her?" indigo said wide eyed.
"Yes and I'm sorry but i just wanted to speak with you. Do forgive my insistence to disobey her." Social Repose said a pit forming in his stomach.
"No do you know she's not speaking any human language." indigo asked taking a step forward
"No. I thought she was speaking English." Social Repose said looking over at lillac.
"Leave us." indigo said holding up her hand. Lillac left through the main door while Zine and Luka shuffled back through the connecting door. "Social Repose this is a very important question. The natives of your land, did they hold magic?" indigo asked taking a seat on her bed chest next to social repose.
"I can not say. I don't remember much from the days when they weren't in hiding." Social Repose answered taking a seat next to indigo.
"Can you think of unexplained instances that happened while they were around?" indigo asked picking at end of her veil.
"Not really like i said i don't remember much." social repose was getting flustered.
"Do you remember what they look like?" Indigo asked sencing the annoyance but this was important. At least to her it was.
"Yes actually." social repose said perking up a little bit. "They were pale. Skin could almost shimmer if you looked to long. They had tattooed faces and wore feathers all over their bodies and their hair was any color that wasn't normal like green and blue and purple. They were strange but beautiful creatures." social repose got lost in thought of what he could remember.
A piece of hair fell in front of Indigo's face and she quickly pushed it back. It didn't matter if nobody else could see it indigo hated it. "Thanks that should help a lot."
There was a moment of silence and the indigo looked up at him again. "I believe you told Lillac you had a question for me." Indigo said slightly smiling.
Social Repose stood up quickly "oh um yeah but its stupid now. Um nevermind." he went to leave
Indigo stood up and he suddenly stopped. "There are no stupid questions. And if there were i already have answered them. Please say just ask what you came to ask. It would seem silly for you to come all the way here at three in the morning for nothing" she said patiently folding her hands.
"Oh um well its just uh well i guess..." social repose stuttered.
Indigo was getting annoyed and said "just spit it out already would you?" she laughed a little while saying it.
"Are we friends?" social repose spit out in an odd voice and his face took on a new weird look
Indigo smiled to herself. "I do believe so."
Social Repose nodded and stummbled out the door. From behind indigo her two brothers tumbled out of the room. Zine placed his arm around his sisters shoulders "i can feel you smiling." he said smirking.
"Shut up" indigo shoved her elbow into his ribs.

Hey been a bit but I'll update tomorrow

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