A Love Story Unlike the Others

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At the exact time Zine kissed seribia Indigo got the news that the queen of the fairys was dying. At that exact time the rose poison made its first move and now Queen Vache is bed ridden. And at that exact moment Richard looked out his chamber window to see a unicorn. And at the same moment the king of Lucida had shot a buck with his younger son for the first time. And at that exact moment seribia said he loved Zine. And at that exact moment. That precise moment where so many things that changed the course of lives happend, Social Repose looked over at a heart broken Indigo and began to fall in love.
The world is constantly spinning and somehow on that one turn a thousand minds changed their ways. A turn later and, though i can't say for the rest of the world but for our two families in lucidia, the world changed forever.
You see in the second turn, zine said he loved seribia too even though he wasn't sure, Indigo was told she would be the new queen of the fae and panic set in. The king watched as his youngest son bring life back into the thing he just killed. A messenger was sent to tell the king his wife was dying faster than thought at first. Seribia smiles in satisfaction. And social repose stood staring still.

The world was spinning much to fast for Indigo as she sat down on the log by her. Fifteen minitues ago she had save a city of cap headed trolls from a cat and now she was being told she would soon me inducted as the new queen of a race she wasnt part of.
She couldn't do this. She was only human. She raked a hand through her hair and a piece fell into her line of sight and she suddenly knew why the dying queen chose her. She was equal parts human and magical. She may have the body and voice and mind of a human but her soul was magical and is shown through. She could cause the peace of two worlds. She would change everything

Richard stared at the large white horse that wasn't really horse from his bedroom window and flash backs from his youth arose. Large white beasts being rode onto battle even though they had no part of the war. When the war was lost thousands of beautiful white coats being shuffled into a building to return as bloody hides.
The worst thing about it though wasn't the danger he was always in when a unicorn sensed his blood line, but rather the knowledge that he wasn't part of the genocide but couldn't change what the animals felt toward him.
His heart longed to change the past but who was he to fix his fathers mistakes.

Seribia laid his head on a nervous zines shoulder. While seribia seemed content with the world around him and in pure bliss that the man he loved loved him too, Zine was panicking.
He wasn't sure he loved seribia. He did have very strong feelings but love was an emotion he never touched. He was terrified of what would happen if he did love. He had taken an oath to stay alone in order to grant victory to his kingdom at all costs. Not to mention what his father would say at the idea of his child being gay. What would happen, hed be cast out. Thrown to the streets stripped of his title, he wouldn't be able back on lucidian grounds until his sister took the thrown and that was only if she would grant him pardon.
Love had a much larger toll on him than others. Seribia would never understand that.

The king stood in shock watching his youngest child, perhaps the strongest one, bring something back to life. He had seen indigo turn water into wine and make blind person see once again even watched her kill an entire fig tree on accident while in a foul mood. He had seen Zines body glow up in gold as the angels wrapped him in heavenly armour. Had seen him become an army of ten thousand in place of dying. But Luka was the only one to bring the dead to life. He didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse but it was something.
The pounding of horse hppves flying down the hill side shocked him out of his trance. The messenger came riding in and halted next to the king. The messenger dug his hand deep into his bag and pulled out the one and only note that occupied his bag, he handed the folded letter with the kings name on it and handed it to him.
Once the king had a hold on the note the messanger turned around and trotted off back toward the castle. The king slowly ripped Open the note. He read the note and in a state of shock pulled his hourse in the way of the castle and started galloping towards the love of his life.

Social Repose licked his chapped lips and watched as the sun light bounced off of Indigo's hair and made a shiny design in the water of the creek that flowed down next to him. Her skin seemed to shimmer like sparkles in what little sun hit her face.
Indigo seemed put together even as she cried. Social reposes heart squeezed as he realized what he just thought. She was crying. For some reason unknown to him he felt like he needed to fix this. To change the course of events leading up to this moment so she could tilt her hear back and laugh so that the entire world was ok once again.
Social Repose looked down at the sudden pain in his hand. The cat that Indigo had saved a village from had scratched his hand and small red lines began to bubble up on his hand. He knew then that nothing here was his. This world belonged to her and he became aware that she was slowly becoming his.

Hey guys been a while. Prom and finals and mothers and weddings and best friends being terrible and homework and ap tests and long long moments of not remembering what i was writing caused my large break and this sudden non pov chapter. Anyway comment star add to library and I'll hopfully update in the next few days.

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