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I invited Tristan's sister into the house. I didn't have a back up, in case she was some psycho bitch, because Grace had left to go to Dubai for a Photoshoot. this is what happens when your best friend is a super model. We sat down on the blue Italian leather loveseat in the livingroom.

"so... My name is Veronica and I've heard a lot about you from Tristan. And damn, you fit his description well."

"What has he been telling you about me?"

"well, he's always complimenting your ass, in, like , every scentence he speaks about you. The he talks about your personality and slang, and everything. I think he's obsessed. "

Veronica was getting ideas running in my head. Mabey that thot that's been around was some side chick, who wasn't worth a dime.

"Do you know if he's interested in me or not?"

"oh, he is.I like you and everything, but it's constantly Milani this, Milani that ".

"what about that girl that's been around? "

"who? Jade? She doesn't matter. she's just in it for the money. But honestly, she ain't shit."

That's it, Veronica and I are officially best friends. Like, she feels the exact same disgust that I feel for Jade.

"I feel the same way about her. It was good meeting you, and we got a lot in common."

"Nice meeting you too. If you need anything, I'm next-door, do just knock, and I'm there. "

And with that, Veronica left. she was my type of person. She white, but she got that class, attitude, and slang that I look for in a person. She was a boss ass bitch like me.

I used two of my favorite bosses in this story. Milani and Veronica are two of the best bitches in the book.BTW, one day, two updates !


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