chapter 11

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Milani was changing up on me, and fast. she started dressing in more revealing clothing, putting herself out there. I'm not saying that its necessarily a bad thing, but it's not the 'lani that I used to know. she's letting these niggas get to her head. She even flaked out on our girls night, which we always use to do... until Tristan came into the picture. That nigga was ruining everything I've built with 'lani, and I will not let that happen, I swear on my brother's grave.I'll do whatever I need to in order to get rid of his triflin' ass...



I couldn't stand Grace being mad at me. I never could. Tristan tried to tell me that I should forget her and let her be angry, but I can't do that to my best friend. This morning, I had made breakfast for both of us, but she just the house like I wasn't cooking breakfast for two. she needed to check herself. she's mad at me for what she did. I'm not going to apologize for bullshit I didn't do, I never have and I never will. If anything, she should apologize to me.

I went over to Tristan's place to find Veronica there.

" Milani, long time no see! Tristan isn't here, he's out with the boys at the juke club. Do you want to come? I'm on my way there."

I didn't have anything else to do, especially since Grace was trippin' on me. What harm would checking up on my man do anyway?

"sure" I responded. I grabbed my créme Gucci bag and put on a pair of high waisted denim shorts, and a black halter top, along with my aqua 8's and a cute messy bun. I met back up with Veronica, and we drove off to the club in her black and white Lamborghini.

When we got to the club, shit was already going down. There was a fight going on outside, and from all the chants we heard, it was between two girls. Veronica and I pushed our way through the crowd that surrounded the girls, and when we got to the front, I recognized that honey blonde hair. It was Grace! What The hell was she doing here, fighting some random bitch!

"Grace", I yelled, and I could tell she didn't hear me because she kept beating that poor girl down. That girl looked a mess. Black eye, bloody nose, everything. If that was the case, she must have done some stupid shit to Grace.

I decided to go in and stop the fight, and pulled Grace away from the already weak and damaged girl. once the crowd realized what I was doing, they boo'd and went away, dispersing in different directions, going their separate ways. when Grace saw me, she pulled away from my grip and stood up.

"I'm sorry, Milani ", she said, making it hard for me to hear her. But I heard, and was happy with the apology I was finally receiving.

I had already forgiven her.


Heyyy, hope this update us not too late ! I made an effort to squeeze it in with my schedule. I may or may not update twice tomorrow. Hope you like the chapter. Don't forget, I'm always open to advice and encouragment. on course, no bullshit comments please, thank you very much.


One in a milyon( urban)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora