Luke #1

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   I'm so scared, because there's nothing that will make him go away. He'll always be here.Watching me or telling me what to do. He's here tonight and i'm enraged by his existence. My doctor says the more I yell at him the more he'll yell back, so i'm not yelling, but he is. I can feel tears run down my face and panic in my bones. My heart aches and my stomach twists uncontrollably. I forget what my doctor told me and I start to scream like i'm being stabbed and kick at the air while the man stands there, not losing an ounce of confidence.Nothing makes him leave.

    "Oh my god Luke, are you okay?!" My Aunt says worriedly as she slams the door open. I can see the fear in her eyes. She tries hard to hide her fear from me, but I always see it and it always infuriates me. I immediately stop crying and screaming and just sit up on my bed. She still looks worried but a lot more scared. As soon as I stopped screaming, he started. Screaming things like "She's afraid of you" and "You're a monster".

She's still just staring at me like i'm a book that she's trying to read.I stand up and she looks down to the floor. I don't want her to be afraid so I wrap her in a tight hug. I'm much taller than her so I just hold the back of her head against my chest, like i'm the one calming her.As soon as I let go I look around to see if he's there and of course he's standing right behind her. I let out a quick gasp as my body tenses. He quickly vanishes to the dark corner of my room. 

Aunt may just looks at me and says something I cant hear because as soon as her mouth opens I press my hands against her throat and kick her feet out from under her. She pushes and claws at my hands. I've never felt this in control of my life even though I know I am completely out of control.

*flashback ends*

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