Ashton pt. 1

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It was a rough day of my senior year of high school and I just wanted to be alone. Well that meant I couldn't go home because I know jack is there and I can't deal with that today. So, per usual, I head out to the football field behind my school. The football players practice here after about running for about ten minutes. They don't mind me because I just listen to music and hang out in the bleachers. I turn and look at the school I worshiped. That sounds crazy because every teenager hates school but it's truly my safe haven because there's nobody to yell at me, or hit me. And for some reason I kind of fit in. As I think I'm staring into space and this boy walks up. From far away he looks a bit Asian but as he gets closer it's obvious he looks more Hawaiian or kiwi. He has dark hair and is pretty well built. He was wearing black skinnies, like me, but he was wearing a low cut tank top. His brown eyes look straight into my hazel ones but his quickly shoot away unlike mine who hold a steady gaze because well, he's hot.

Secret Alliance [C.A.L.M]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz