Chapter 3

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"Kimba!" Nadine couldn't believe Kimberley was being this way. They all gave Ashley a second chance and a third. So why weren't they prepared to give Jesse a third chance? Nadine and Jesse were perfect up until he went to rehab and Nadine, from a small place in Northern Ireland wasn't used to this sort of thing but she promised to stand by him as she loved him, well that got her nowhere. Whilst in rehab he started cheating on her with a druggie in there. He didn't even have the decency to tell her, she found out from the press. The girls were a great support and Nadine was truly heartbroken. She tried to ignore him but she missed him and convinced her that he was on the straight and narrow and he knew what he wanted now. Nadine. So forgive him she did. She didn't regret it but it was never the same again. She didn't trust him and relationships need trust. They were on and off for a year and the relationship just ran its course to which they both agreed...well so she thought..on a drunken night out with a few of his mates he got drunk and he fought outside a London club. The paparazzi had a field day and Jesse made it clear to the press that he was going back to rehab because Nadine broke his heart when dumping him unexpectedly and she,in his own words is 'a spiteful *Female Dog*' and stupidly he got a massive tattoo covering his bicep of a naked woman lassoing a heart in front of the Irish flag for all the world to see. It didn't take a genius to figure out the metaphor behind that...that Nadine had his heart. Nadine felt humiliated. Newspapers were filled with images of a naked body supposed to see Nadine. She knew how easy the public were manipulated into believing every word and she didn't want people thinking about her boobs and what they looked liked etc. 
When she didn't take him back he got nasty and made up hurtful comments to the press saying that she was too needy and too clingy for him when in all honesty she was the opposite. Nadine was an independent woman and she didn't need anybody. As she said to the girls, she was bored and just wanted some fun. She hadn't had sex for 8 months before she started sleeping with Jesse and before that it was with Jason. She'd never admit it but she was horny and Jesse was just supplying her needs and he was amazing in bed, always had been so what's to stop her.
"Can't we all just try get along? Yeah. Lets not ruin the night out. Right come on Jesse take the drinks over. I'll get some more so we don't have to keep getting up" Nadine spoke to try defuse the situation. Kimberley begrudgingly began walking to the girls' table with Jesse carrying the drinks.
As they got to the table Jesse placed the drinks on the table. "There you go girls...look I know we didn't exactly end on good terms and I know you're only looking out for Nadine but please just give me one chance to prove ya wrong! I promise this time I'm going to make it work. These past years have not been the same without Nadine in my life" Jesse finished, hoping that his heart felt speech had made them change their minds.
"One chance!"Nicola stated
"Nicola!!!" Cheryl shouted. She couldn't believe the ginger girl had fallen for his words!
"What? Nadine is with him now...erm or well whatever they're doing. We have to support her otherwise we're not true friends are we!"Nicola answered.
"Thanks Nicola. That means a lot!" Jesse replied giving her a smile.
"Jesse. Nadine is my girl. If you put one foot wrong, I promise to cut your balls off myself!" Sarah noted.
"Loud and clear Harding!" Jesse laughed. Jesse wasn't dumb, he knew it would be harder to convince Cheryl and Kimberley but he wouldn't give in.
"Right girls here we go!"  Nadine returned with a tray full of shots.
"Jeez Nadz. How many?" Cheryl answered. She finally finished counting at 40.
"Woah. Don't complain Chezza! Well in Diney! The party has begun!" Sarah proudly shouted.
Nadine took a seat upon Jesses lap. "come on girls! Tuck in" Nadine said as she downed the cocktail Jesse had bought her. She put the glass down and downed 5 shots straight after one another. The other girls had just about taken a sip of their cocktails but had all stopped to watch nadine in amazement.
"Well…you can take the girl out of Ireland..." Jesse said with a chuckle.
"Ahumm, and don't you know it baby!" Nadine spoke as she wound an arm around Jesses neck and placed a kiss on his lips. Jesse put a hand resting on Nadines stomach, just underneath her breasts and the other one draped lazily on her leg.
"Nadine...slow down yeah. We have all night. Plus, you haven't eaten!" Kimberley stated.
"Kimberley! Do you ever stop worrying! It's a party! It's your party! Live a little hun!" Nadine replied, already feeling the effects of the shots but it didn't stop her downing 2 more. Jesse placed his hand on her thigh and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. A wide grin appearing on her face.
"Can you's two stop it! You're gonna make me puke!" Cheryl said. For some reason she sounded jealous, but what on earth had she to be jealous for? She didn't want to be with Jesse! He was a love rat!
Jesse and Nadine pulled away from each other.
"Ermm I'm going to go to the bathroom! Need a wee already!" Nadine jumped off jesses lap and made her way to the restrooms not before giving Jesse a wink though. He knew that face, he definitely knew that face but only in the bedroom. She couldn't want him in the toilets could she? He turned around just enough to see Nadine make her way into the males. Yes. Yes she wanted him.
"I'll be back in 5 girls" Jesse said before following Nadine into the toilets making sure the other 4 girls didn't notice.

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