Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It was 5am and the girls had just got out of the taxi heading to the door of Cheryl's house. Sarah and Nicola were still out of it but were more unresponsive that bladdered now. Sarah had pretty much fallen asleep on Nadine in the taxi with her head laying in Nadines lap whilst Nadine played with Sarah's hair.

Cheryl's POV
We had got to me door as I looked around for me keys in my bag. Kimberley was helping Nicola as Nadine was helping Sarah, without them, both would be flat on their faces.
I could hear Nicola complaining to Kimberley about wanting sleep whereas I think Sarah was asleep and Nadine was just holding her.
"Would you hurry up chez" Kimberley said. I think she had had enough of a drunken Nicola for one night.
"Sorry, I've found my keys now!" And so with that I opened the door and helped Kimba and Nadz with the lightweights.
"Where we putting them Chez?" Kimba asked.
"Follow me" I walked up the stairs and showed them to the closest room. I gathered that if they shared a room only one room would get messed up, not two.
"Thanks for helping us with these two" I hear Nadine say sarcastically. Not long after Kim and Nadine came in the room with Sarah as Nicola as they laid them on the bed.
"I've got some clothes of theirs that they've left before so they can put them on! Don't let them sleep in their dresses or their make up!" I said. There was nothing worse than that. Plus I didn't want make up on my white sheets.
"Jeez Cheryl, you're so bossy! You've got to help us!" Nadine said.
"Fine" I answered. "I'll just get the make up wipes and clothes" and with that I left the room.

Kimberley's POV
"I feel like we've gone back in time 5 years, helping each other out when we're drunk like this" Nadine said. I laughed.
"Yeah but Nadz, usually it was me and Cheryl helping you three out. This might be the first time you've been on this side of the bed at the end of the night!" I saw Nadine smile slightly.
"Anyway, why are you not in a state? You drank loads!" I asked stating a point.
"I guess my body has got used to it now. Takes a hell of a lot drink down me neck to get me drunk now" nadine said. It got me thinking...does she mean she drinks a lot when she's out or has she been dunking a lot by herself now? Anything Nadine said to me now I had I think hard about it to see if there was a hidden meaning behind it.

Not long after Cheryl re-entered the room as we were taking off the girls high heels and dresses.
"Don't worry girls! I've got some clothes of yours too!" She said as she chucked us theirs to put in them two.
"They better appreciate this in the morning!" Nadine said in a jokey angry tone.
"Like I've said Nadz, usually it was me and Cheryl v you three. At least it's us 3 v them two now.

5 minute later Sarah and Nicola were tucked up in bed with a glass if water and some 2 paracetamol each for when they wake up with a banging headache in the morning.
"I always wondered how I'd wake up and water and pills would be next to me" nadine spoke.
"Ahh well Nadz, I'm your guardian angel! Always looking out for you!" I said. A weak smile appeared on her face.
"I'm going to get ready for bed. Which room am I sleeping in?" Nadine asked Cheryl.
"You know what Kimberley's like! Bed and duvet hogger, so I think it's best that she go in her own bed, so you can come in with me or I'll take the sofa and you can get in my bed? Whatever you want. I've layed out some clothes on my bed so you can get changed in my room" Cheryl answered.
"Thanks" and with that Nadine walked off to get changed. Cheryl had already got changed for bed when myself and Nadine were helping the other girls.
"Babe, can you put the kettle on when I get changed?" I asked Cheryl.
"Sure" she answered and made her way downstairs.

5 minutes later I joined Cheryl in the kitchen.
"Nadine down yet?" I asked
"No not yet" she answered.
"What did you two speak about when you were outside?" I wanted to know if Nadine had told her anything.
"I just told her that we were worried about her and she should tell one of us what's going on in her head" Cheryl replied.
"And how did she reply to that?" I asked.
"How do you think? She denied that anythings wrong the first place. But Kimberley..." I noticed Cheryl's whole demeanour change. Her face looked worried, like she didn't really want to carry on talking.
"Cheryl, what is it?" I got up from my seat and joined her at the kitchen worktop where the kettle sat and took her hand in mine.
"When I went outside Nadine was crying" Cheryl said. This knocked me back for six. I know somebody crying isn't too much of a big deal but if you knew our Diney you would be shocked.
I was shocked, almost speechless.
"Wha- ermm wh- did you ask why?" I asked
"Of course she didn't. She just said it was the wind making her eyes water. There is another thing...which I know Nadine would hate me for saying" I gave her a nod of the head for her to know to carry on. "Remember when I went to look for Nadine after she'd gone to the toilets in the first club we went to?" Again I nodded. "Well she wasn't in there...well not the girls anyway. She was in the men's...with Jesse" I wasn't really understanding. What did she mean? I think Cheryl knew I wasn't really getting what she meant as she continued. "They were in there...together...a cubicle...for gods sakes Kimba! They were shagging each other!" Kimberley let go of my hand and gasped in shock, covering her mouth with her hand for emphasis.
"But she always said how much she hated the girls who did that. She said they were sluts" I told her
"I know that! That's why I was so shocked! When we were outside I bought it up and she wasn't very happy with me and we were arguing and she said that she didn't care about herself anymore and that she's lost all her morals. She didn't care what happens to her so why should we" Cheryl finished.
"Cheryl, I'm really starting to get worried now" I stated.
"Me too babe" she said.
"You know when Jesse and nadine were talking outside? Just before you went to see her?" It was Cheryl's time to nod her head now telling me to continue. "Well I went to see them and I know I shouldn't have but I began to listen to what they were saying to one another" I said
"And what were they saying?" Cheryl replied worryingly.
"She told Jesse to leave as she didn't need another reason for us to hate her" I spoke.
"What? She thinks we hate her?" Cheryl asked.
"I think Nadine doesn't have as thick skin as we thought she did. All the sh!t the press say about her I think is finally getting to her!" I told Cheryl.
"But all the stuff the magazines and papers say couldn't be further from the truth! She knows that!" Cheryl was getting herself worked up now and I could tell.
"I think deep down she does chez but after all, if people say something enough times you begin to believe it" I said
"Well, we've got to remind her then don't we!" I stated and began to make three cups of tea. Another couple of minutes later Nadine entered the kitchen.

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