Chapter 10

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Sarah's POV

After much resistance I took a sobbing Nadine up to Cheryl's bed for some rest. Cheryl wanted to do but I doubt Nadine would want to see her. As we entered the room I lay down next to her and put the covers over us both. She lay her head on my chest as I heard her heavy breathing obviously trying to stop herself from crying.

"Nadine. Why didn't you say anything to me?" I spoke.

"There was nothing to say. I was dealing with it!" Nadine replied

"Well if this is you dealing with it, i'd hate to see you suffering!...look, you know how Cheryl gets. She wasn't thinking. She thought she was doing the right thing. Trying to talk some sense in to you."I finished.

There was silence for a while until I heard the most heart wrenching sound coming from my best friend.

"W-w-wh-why would she say that? Did Jason never love me? Does she know something I don't. I love h-him I w-wanna-I want him back" I heard Nadine ask ever so quietly.

"Of course he did. What's not to love about you hmm hun? If he can't see what he's lost then its his fault. You get me?" I spoke

"But why won't he take my calls or text me back? That makes me think Cheryl's right" Nadine said.

"It doesn't mean Cheryl's right babe. It means that he's a fcuking dickhead for making you feel like this." I put a hand through her hair trying to calm her down. "I've never seen you like this Nadz and I don't ever want to see it again. If he's making you feel this way then he really isn't worth it and he's not worth your time" I said, trying to make her see sense.

"But you know him, you've met him. He's not a bad guy. He's amazing". Nadine said trying to defend him

"He WASN'T a bad guy. He WAS amazing. Nadine, people change and it seems as though he has. You just have to learn to live without him!" I said

"B-b-but that's th-the prob-problem. I can't get over him! I've tried everything. I've even tried a rebound but every time I shag Jesse I just imagine its Jason but its breaking my heart a little more each time" she said.

"Look Nadz, I know it's going to be hard but it will get better in time" I said trying to make her believe my words.

"But how long is it going to take? I haven't been able to think about anything else but him since he dumped me 5 months ago!" Nadine spoke.

"Soon. Soon, I promise you won't love him. You won't even like him. I'll help you get over him. Me and all the other girls" I said. I loved Nadine like the sister I never had.

"Sarah...if I tell you something will you keep it to yourself?" Her face seemed serious. Her tears had dried and I could tell she was ready to give in to sleep.

"Sure I will babe" I said as I continued to run my hand through her hair.

"I've messed everything in my life up. I have no family. I have no friends all because I've shut everyone out. Quite frankly I don't want to be here anymore" Nadine said

"Here? What do you mean here?" I began to panic.

"Here as in alive anymore. The papers have written about how much a slag I've been, my parents are going to see that, same with my sisters. Oh god, and my nieces and nephews. They're going to hate me if they don't already. Jason will see it and that's not going to get us back together is it. All the papers already think I'm the mega *Female Dog* and that you all hate me" Nadine was rushing her thoughts. It seemed as if she didn't realise she was speaking out loud.

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