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Nora sipped harder, a strange sense of enjoyment befalling upon the seat she sat lone.

Her front teeth occasionally nibbled the pale blue straw dipped in air. The crisp white shirt she wore pressed against the faded, grey seat as she continued her little contenting act. The corners of Nora's lips took a gravity-defying dip after a long period of time. The corners of the other passengers' lips failed to do so.

This was fun; Nora noted enjoying the negative, irritated attention the people showered upon her. The soles of her sneakers slowly bounced in a rhythmic movement against tiny dots sprawled on the bus' base. A thin layer of peach ice tea at the bottom of the container she held rippled in destructive waves. The earthquake taking place resulted in a bubbling, slurping sound; the epicentre being a mere vacuuming straw.

Nora grinned harder and positioned her straw for the final murder. The last drop lay victimized in front of her weapon and her breath was steady. A childish sense of glee ran through her veins, she knew this would be the last straw, the one that would make everyone cringe.

One, two, three.

Tiny liquid beads travelled through the straw and an eyebrow-furrowed Nora sipped furiously knowing very well she seemed like a five-year old. The continuous sound, annoying to the passengers and delightful to Nora, finally came to a halt when nothing but only and only air was left. The angered passengers, the ones with widened eyes and the ones still in shock; all finally turned their heads away from her.

Some discussed her little act through mere mumbles while others didn't bother to cover it up. They were shocked, how could a grown woman find joy in a toddler's play?

It didn't bother Nora, to her it was a form of entertainment. Besides she was pretty sure that the two blonde-haired twins next to her were smiling widely just for that. They were yet young, public etiquettes were the last thing on their mind. And Nora knew well they would have wanted to do the exact deed.

After all, in that moment, Nora had turned the clock anti-clockwise back to their wonderful, blissful age.

The brunette's attention slowly slipped away from her surroundings. Her head once again found itself in a dense cloud of thoughts. Her palm found itself resting on the silent radio next to her, a regular companion of hers whenever she travelled. It played slow songs after a struggle to find the right station, then soothed Nora, nothing else. According to her, this time would be no different.

But Nora could be wrong,

                                               couldn't she?


kay wow i updated fast. idk this was fun to write and hopefully this isn't boring you? a few more things are yet to come, wait for it.

thank you so much to each one of you, who has commented/voted or added this to your reading list. a huge hug for making this short story #110 for now. it means a lot<3

chapter dedicated to jasmine c:

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