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It wasn't just a drop, it was a source of amusement.

Amusement and fascination that danced its way through Nora's veins, performing little pirouettes and splits. The watery glob rushed down the screen with periodic breaks, perhaps deciding on which path to take. It had its own companions, racing one another furiously while the rest resided idle.

Nora blinked sporadically, in case she missed a victory in this unpredictable race. The dark sky blinked repeatedly, lightning streaking its raging features. The heavy downpour made Nora feel feverish.

She never imagined she would do something illegal on a bus. Nora was betting.

Betting on which energetic drop of rain would emerge victorious. Betting with herself along with an absence of money, all of it spiralling down to a conclusion. She most definitely won't get arrested for this, what wonderful ways.

"Bob the builder," a boisterous voice shrieked amidst the chatter of passengers and the betting of a certain one.

"Mom, I want a Bob," the voice insisted, somewhere out of Nora's sight. She clicked her tongue as the boy's (she assumed) ardent pleas elongated. The race unfortunately, didn't do so.

A moment gone too far, Nora restrained herself from violently banging her curled fists against the window. The former drops had vanished and new ones had taken their place. She now had no clue who reached what goal first. No celebrations for Nora.

She let out a heavy sigh and waited for the immature throbs of irritation to fade away. It was funny how emotionally attached Nora had gotten with a mere raindrop, which was now part of the thin stream on the window sill. Instead, Nora let her bare nails trace the rough, worn-out strap of the radio.

It comfortably found a place on Nora's lap, her black skirt dotted with wrinkles. Her fingertips wrapped themselves around the protruding silver dial. A faint static cracked out and the buzz kicked off. Nora attempted to set the frequency, biting her lip harder, ready for a surprise. Her concentration was demanded for once more.

A little clockwise here and a little more anti-clockwise there.

Nora smiled. A small smile that reached her eyes. It wasn't a tedious task unlike the past. The voice that greeted her was unfamiliar and its crystal clear quality enviable. She had arrived at 87.4 FM, the channel fate held for her.

'Saturday nights with Arden.'

Nora rested her formally erect spine, looking forward to what this night was to bring.

Nora and her radio,

                                 would get to know each other a lot better.


alright, yeah this happened.

i hope you liked it, don't be a silent reader please. and if you didn't, let me know how i can improve. hopefully the next upload will be faster.


dedicated to clarity for the perf current cover <3

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