My World's On Fire, How 'Bout Yours?

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Shrek woke up from yet another dream of drinking a layered onion milkshake, when he realized he had school today. He groaned as he sat up and checked the clock. It was 8:45am, which meant he was late for school. Pretty late, might he add. He got up quickly and threw on a pair of jeans he found on the floor, then pulling his "Ogreload" hoodie over his head. He stuffed his feet into his Converses, grabbed his backpack and phone, and ran out the door. He didn't have time to brush his teeth, but he didn't care. Not that he did it often anyways.

His parents abandoned him when he was only the age of 7. He grew up quickly, not by choice, but by force. He learned how to do many things by himself, and seemed really tough at school of all places. But, when he was at home, he'd cry himself to sleep. He didn't know why his parents left, but he did hear hushed conversations through the thin walls about "They'll find us" and "Where should we hide the body?" He didn't like thinking about it, though. He plugged in his earbuds and turn on his music, Rick Astley instantly filling his ears.
    "We're no strangers to love... You know the rules, and so do I..."

Shrek's mind started to drift to other things as his music played. The lyrics were really speaking to him.

"...A full commitment's what I'm thinking of... You wouldn't get this from any other guy..."

He thought of his past relationships and how they never really turned out. He thought about Fiona and how beautiful she was, and that beautiful bald kid from yesterday morning... Wait a second, what was he thinking!? He's not... bishreksual. Is he? He sighed as he crossed the street to the school. Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course, but... Still. He walked into the school and signed in, making his way to his next class.

"Oh, it's nice to see you care enough to join class, Shrek." his teacher remarked sarcastically, "take your seat." He rolled his eyes as he walked to the back of the class, sitting at his desk. He saw the shorter, bald kid watch him take his seat, so Shrek smirked at him. He liked to make him flustered. He was cute when h- Shrek! Stop that.

Class went by pretty uneventful, except for when class was over. Shrek stood up at the same time as the bald kid beside him, causing them to run into each other and for the other to fall to his bum. They both gasped as Shrek apologized.
    "I'm sorry, man. I didn't see you there."

"I-it's alright, I uh, yeah..." the boy said from the ground, his face red. Shrek smiled to himself. His voice was angelic, was all Shrek was able to think about.

"Here, let me help you," he bent down and picked up his books, and held his hand out for the boy to take. He reached up slowly with a deep red tint to his face. He pulled him up to his feet, and handed him his books.

"Th-thank you, Shrek..." Shrek loved the way his name fell off the boy's tongue, pronouncing each letter nicely. Shrek stared at the boy with a small nod.

"Hey, I don't think I ever got your name. What is it?" Shrek questioned.

"C-Caillou." Shrek thought it was beautiful, and it fit him very nicely.

"Cool. I'll see you around then, Caillou." And with that, Shrek left with a grin, and a flustered boy slowly walking behind him.

After school that day, Shrek couldn't wait to get home. He was so tired, and he really needed to talk to someone he was close to.

He sat on the bed and kicked his shoes off, leaning against the headboard with his phone in hand. After a few rings, they finally answered.

"Hello? Shrek?" the voice from the phone asked.

"Hey, Donkey, I need to talk to you." Shrek started, biting at his fingernails nervously.

"Oh, hey! What's up?"

"Um, nothing really, I guess... I just wanted to ask you a question." Shrek grabbed the pillow next to him and hugged it to his chest.

"And what's that?"

"I have a crush on someone at school that's not usually my type, and I don't know what to do." He pushed.

"Oh, alright. Well you called the right guy." they both laughed. "What's their name?"

Shrek didn't know if he should say it or not.


    "Cai. Alright. Well, first you go up to her, and make conversation. Ask her to come over sometime. That's how you get to her." Donkey explained.

    "O-okay. Is that all? Because that's basically what I did for my last girlfriends."

    "Pretty much, Shrek. Unless they're into something, like movies or something, then take her to the theater."

    "Right, makes sense."

    "Now, let's talk about the ending of the last episode of Iron Chef, I mean really!? What the heck!?" They continued to talk for a few hours until it was 11:54pm. Shrek yawned.

    "Yeah Donkey, I understand you wanted Bobby Flay to win, but I have school tomorrow and I'm tired. I'll talk to you later, alright?" they said their goodbyes and Shrek hung up. As they were talking, Shrek had traveled down the bed on his stomach. He rolled over with a grunt, sitting up on the edge of the bed. His back cracked as he stood up. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed, twisting the switch on the lamp as he got comfortable. He stared up at his ceiling, and the last thing on his mind before finally falling asleep, was Caillou.

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