Chapter 11 - Better than any carnival

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Josh woke up in good spirits, from the best sleep he had in the past few days, he slipped out of the bed careful not to wake Bella up. He looked outside the window; everything was still white and solid. They ate breakfast and went to school, laughing and singing rhymes. He didn’t expected to see Mary, but there she was, smiling at parents, looking beautiful and as healthy as ever. She saw them approaching with Josh having a confused look on his face. Her palms were sweating and her mind raced, searching for a decent excuse.

 “Good morning, you two.” She said looking at them. “Are you okay? I thought you were going to take a holiday.” Josh asked still puzzled. “I woke up in the morning and felt good, so I decided to come.” She said hiding away her nervousness, which she could not understand. “I am glad, you are fine.” Josh remarked as the bell rang. Bella ran inside with Amy and forgot to kiss Josh goodbye altogether. “Goodbye, I will come to pick Amy up at 4, works for you?” Josh said. Mary was more nervous than she had ever been and the medicine she had taken was making it worst. She felt a bit dizzy. ‘I could tell me tomorrow.’ She thought. She felt her heart racing and ran towards him. He was almost in the parking lot when he heard Mary Ann. “Josh!” She was running, her hair flying in the air. She reached him panting. “Can – I- come along with -you guys?” She asked as she leaned against a blue car to catch her breath. Josh stood next to her, dazed. She looked up and asked again “Can I?”

“Of course, you can.” Josh replied. “Are you okay?” he noticed she was still panting. He placed his hand on her forehead, it was burning. “You told me you’re ok, your burning Mary.” He placed his cold hand on her neck, and she almost jumped out of her skin. “I am okay.” She said with a smile. “You’re not going to the carnival, neither you’re going back to the school, you are going home and taking rest. He took her arm and helped her get into the car, she was already dizzy, and she regretted taking the stupid medicine. He got into the car and drove towards the house. Marys vision blurred, she saw josh driving, and closed her eyes.

She woke up, in a dark room. The curtains were drawn and she had a heavy blanket over her. She was sweating furiously. She got on her feet, staggered, still feeling uneasy and opened the door. She blinked and found Josh sitting in the kitchen, working on his laptop. Josh looked up and came running, it was then she realized she was passing out again. But before she could fall, Josh caught her and said “You should be sleeping, doc said so.” She saw him smiling and blank.

She blinked; Josh was sitting on the bed with a tray in his hands. “It’s lunch time.” He said lifting the tray. “She sat up and rubbed her forehead, she felt worst, now even her head hurt. “Amy.” She could barely manage to say more. “She is here, she is playing with Bella, and they had lunch.” “Feeling better?” Josh asked. She wanted to say that she felt worst but she moved her head side to side, slowly. Josh frowned and took a spoonful of soup, towards Mary. She ate it, it was delicious, surprisingly. He gave her a tablet which she took like an obedient child. He placed his hand on her left cheek, said “You will be alright.” She sat, waiting for the medicine to work its magic and to slip into sleep again.

It was already time for dinner, she thought, as she saw Josh bringing a tray again. “You didn’t go to the winter carnival?” She asked feeling a bit better. “I didn’t but the girls did.” He was smiling. “How did they?” She asked concerned and a bit angry. “My friend Sarah took them, they are sleeping now.” She wanted to scream at him, how could he let Amy be with a complete stranger? But she couldn’t find the strength to say so. So she sat back and ate what Josh fed her. Tomato soup again. She took her medicine. He came back to greet her goodnight. When he was about to leave, Mary said in a low voice, almost a whisper. “Josh?” He looked back and came and sat beside her. “What happened? Do you need more blankets?” He said concerned. She nodded a ‘no’, and thought. Why was it hard? Maybe he didn’t even care. She wanted to let him know she was engaged, she could not afford to like someone else, the way she was feeling was deplorable. Instead she smiled and muttered “Thank you.” Josh smiled and went out of the room wishing her night. She slipped back into the bed and had another sleepless night. She cursed herself and waited desperately for the medicine to work, so that she could not think. They did.

It was still dark outside; she got up and sat with her legs crossed. Her dress was drenched with sweat but she was feeling better, her head didn't hurt anymore and her nose was not running anymore. She felt thirsty so she got up and made her way out of the door. The lights were dimmed; she saw the living room light was still on. When she came to the end of the corridor, leading to the living room, she saw Josh working. Her sister had been wrong about him being lazy, she thought. She came close to him, and patted on his back. He jumped, “Oh my god.” She was taken aback by his reaction. It wasn't a good idea to pat a person’s back at 4 in the morning, when he thinks everyone is sleeping. He looked at her, standing, sat back on the sofa again, and holding his chest.  She sat next to him, and grinned. “You scared the crap out of me.” “What were you thinking?”

“Sorry.” She said looking down at her hands. “Alright” “Just doesn't repeat it again, with anybody!” She was still smiling, watching him as he heart beat stabilized  “Why are you up so early?” He said, came forward and placed his hand on her forehead. Her heart skipped a beat. “Hmm, you seem to be doing okay ” He said in a doctors ‘I am a doctor, I know everything’ tone. “All thanks to you doctor.” She blurted. He smiled and closed his laptop. “What were you doing, working so late? “I was not sleepy and I had work, so.” He wanted to check on her every hour but he kept this to himself. “I wanted to drink a glass of water.” She said. “I’ll get it.” Josh said smiling and rushing to the kitchen.

She drank water and asked “Who’s Sarah?”

“Oh, she is a friend.”

“Hmm, okay.” She felt stupid for asking him.

“Actually, she was a friend’s girlfriend, but they broke up, or so I hear.” Josh said to clarify and make clear that she was just a friend.

“Thank you again, for what you did, I feel much better now.” She said smiling at him.

How did she look so gorgeous at 4 in the morning? He thought. He yawned and said “You should go and take rest.”

She nodded and realized that he wanted to catch some sleep. She went to her room, in her blankets and wished they could have talked more. On the couch, similar thoughts were running through Josh’s mind. They both weren't able to sleep. A start of many.

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