Chapter 38 - South port 1

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She tried to blink the pain away, but it seemed impossible to do so. She smiled when she saw Josh sitting on the chair staring at her. He leaned closer “Good morning beautiful.”

“We will go back to Southport tomorrow.” Josh said chewing on his piece of bacon. Mary dropped her cheese toast and looked at him through her swollen eyes, blinking. “Well I had to go tomorrow anyway, so I thought maybe you’d want to go too, unless.” Josh said not hoping to hear Ryan’s name. Mary licked her lips, thought and decided to speak nothing. After a long silence, Mary decided to come out with it. “My luggage is with him.” Josh didn’t look up; grateful she hadn’t taken his name, just nodded. “I am sorry.” She said when he didn’t respond. “Stop saying that.” Josh murmured. “What?” Mary asked leaning forward. “I said stop saying that.” Josh said throwing his hand on the table, making it wobble. Mary leaned back in her chair and in an instant lost all her appetite. Josh threw his plate still with food in the sink and leaned against it, staring at Mary. Mary got up from her chair, unsure of herself. She placed her hand on his arms, hesitant. He closed his eyes, and hugged her. She hugged him and the moment seemed to pause for both of them. The honks of the traffic outside, the neighbours fighting, everything seemed too far or too irrelevant to notice, what mattered was her.

She didn’t want to go back. She had a troubled feeling in the pit of her stomach when she sat in the taxi with Josh holding her hand, smiling. The feeling worsened when they were at the airport security check and she found it almost uncontainable when they sat on their seats. Maybe she should have called Ryan. Maybe she should have called mother. What would she think of her coming home without luggage? Will she think I was having an affair with Josh? All these thought shot through her head, making her head eruption with pain. “You okay?” Josh asked placing his hand on hers. She smiled and leaned into his arms. It was all going to be okay, she knew.

It was a quiet flight. She kept her eyes closed throughout the ride leaning into Josh’s arms, which she had so longed for. She adjusted her messed up hair by vaguely running her fingers through her hair, tucked in the extra portion of the large t shirt in the baggy jeans. “You look beautiful.” Josh said kissing her forehead and holding her by the waist.

Anna first saw Josh, she smiled and waved. A minute later she saw Mary Ann and a second later her bruised eye and swollen cheek. She exchanged glances with Luke who was as clueless as she was. “Look mom, its Miss Mary.” Bella said jumping up and down with excitement. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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