Natasha the Brat

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and it was my mother.

"Yes mother?" I layed on my stomach and my elbows kept me from falling.

"Get ready Natasha and I are on our way." I rolled my eyes and hung up.

"Shit." I said quietly. I don't want to deal with Natasha. She is the spoiled brat of the family, but she sounds sweet. Whenever I demand what I want I'm considered a bitch. The only person who understands me is my father. I already know he's not going to be with us. I'm really hoping he will be.

I get out of bed and get into the shower. I start to wash my body and lather my body with soap. I wash my hair a little. I get out and dry my body and lotion up. I put on a white t-shirt and some skinny jeans. I put on my black flats and black blazer. I dry my hair out with comb attached. After it's dry I put it in a bun.

I hear the doorbell ring and I roll my eyes. I grab my keys and open the door to my mother smiling. I put on a fake smile and get out the door. I lock it and on our way to my mothers car I see Natasha in the front seat. I make my way to the back and sit.

"Hello Nicole." I could hear the venom laced in her words. This bitch is playing games.

"Natasha." this bitch don't deserve no goddamn "hello, it's me" type of greeting. My mother got into the car and began to drive off. We were heading towards a very expensive place. I could tell as we kept getting closer to the building. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at the text message that was from Geoffrey.

Geoffrey: Address?

My mother interrupts my thoughts and I look up. She parked and we all got out the car. I hurry up and type my address as we walk in. I see all this decor out and ready to be bought. My sister is getting married. My God and the guy she's with is a rich bastard at that too. She did good I won't lie.

"Okay Nicole you need to stay off your phone because this is an important day with important errands to make." I roll my eyes at Natasha's tone of voice. I put my phone in my purse as we begin to walk around.

"Yes, Princess Natasha." my patience level is not staying for some reason. All the sarcasm I have held in just wants to come out.

"Nicole..." I hear my mother's scolding tone. God leave me alone crazy woman. She begins to load stuff up in our hands. I'm telling you Natasha gets everything she wants. We go to the cash register and the lady begins to ring everything up.

"Okay your total will be $345." what the fuck? No way. Mom has never spent this much on me neither has my dad.

"Mother." I hear Natasha demand. Uh uh demon you pay for this shit. Use your fiancé money. He better not have you sign a prenup. Oh my God what if he has her sign a prenup? That will be fucked up. He isn't that smart.

We make our way out the store and put everything in the trunk. We make our way to my sisters venue which is at the lake. It is so beautiful. We unload everything inside of the country club. It's a nice area.

We leave and make our way to my parent's home. My parents home is huge. It's a mansion, white, big pillars, fountain in front, two big wooden front door. It's the dream I guess you could say. We get out the car and head inside into the kitchen. My mother begins to take some vegetables out to make. I can't really stay for dinner because I feel like that's what's happening.

"So Nicole when will you get married?" Natasha says. Again with the venomous words. I roll my eyes and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"When you decide to die." I mumble to myself. I could tell she heard me because she squinted her eyes, but my mother didn't.

"Oh you know Natasha when I find the right one." I'm being just as fake as her. I need a cigarette.

"Is that my little tom-boy, queen, and beautiful artiste I hear in the kitchen?" I smile as I hear my dad's Colombian accent approach the kitchen. I see him walk in and I run and hug him.

"Hello Old Man." I hear him chuckle and we pull apart and he looks at me. I haven't seen him in 3 months. I just haven't came around much. He kisses my forehead.

"I missed you Magdalena Florencía Luna Nicole." I felt myself tear up a little, but I won't cry.

"Are you staying for dinner Nicole?" I looked at my mother. I smiled slightly.

"No, mother, I have a date with a friend." I heard Natasha laugh from the side of me. I looked at her confused.

"What's so funny Natasha?" She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. I look up at my dad and he smiles. He begins to walk out the kitchen, using a hand signal telling me to follow him. We go to his studio where all of his photography hang beautifully.

"You still smoke Magdalena?" I looked at him with a 'that's a stupid question face' I saw him smile and chuckle.

"It'll kill you, you know?" He hands me a cigarette and puts one his mouth. He lights it for me and he lights his own. We both inhale and then exhale the smoke.

"It'll kill the both of us." I heard him laugh again. This time I laugh with him.

"So what do you think of my latest photography?" I look back to see him pointing at picture of naked pregnant woman. It's absolutely stunning. The black and white, the softness in her eyes. It's so beautiful.

"I love it!" I look back at him and he's leaning on his desk.

"Now who is this person you're going out with?" I smile and walk towards my dad.

"A bold man. An Artist named Geoffrey." My father smiles at me and I smile back. I lean on the desk beside my father.

"Why don't you do your art anymore Magdalena?" I shrug at him and smile. I don't want to tell him why. He might not like the answer, but he's my best friend and biggest supporter so why shouldn't I?

"Mom told me I wouldn't make no money. I guess I gave up after that not wanting to disappoint her more then I already have." I hear my father sigh and he looks at me. We gaze into each other's eyes and he smiles slight.

"You can't blame your mother you know? If you love something you don't care who cares. Not even your parents should make you stop loving something. You were born to be an artist Magdalena. It's not about money, it's about the love and the art."

I smile and hug him tightly. I love my father. He means the world to me.

"Now bring this boy over for dinner if it starts to get serious so we can meet him¿Promesa?" I smile and lay my head on his shoulder.


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