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In the car all there was, was silence. Geoffrey and I sat in the back and I held his hand. He looked out the window and I did the same. Jonathan looked at me through the rearview mirror and I smiled slightly and he did the same.

"Thank you." his voice was low and quiet and I looked at him and smiled. I kissed his hand and looked at him.

"Of course." We arrived to the hotel and I said goodbye to Jonathan and we headed into the lobby of the hotel. It was quiet and silent and we headed on to the elevator. We used our card and then pressed our penthouse number.

We walked into the penthouse and I took my shoes off. I went into the bathroom and ran a bath with soap. I took my clothes off and put on a robe. I lit some candles. I went out into the living area and saw Geoffrey out on the balcony. I poured us some wine and I went out into the balcony.

I gave him the wine and stood next to him. He took a sip of the wine and took a quick glance at me.

"I don't know why he doesn't like me." I stared at him and grabbed his hand. I kissed his hand and made him look at him.

"He likes you, he just doesn't understand you." I kissed his lips and began to walk with his hand still in mine. He smiled and followed me to the bathroom. I put our drinks down and began to unbutton his shirt. I took it off him. I unbuckled his pants and he took them off. He got in the bath and I grabbed a wash cloth and washed his back.

"The only people that liked my art were the girls at my high school and my grandmother," I laughed and he laughed along with me.

"My dad never cared for my art. I began to get political when I got to college and study history and that's how my paintings became how they are now. I thought my dad would get involved once I told him how my art has evolved." he kissed my arms and I took his hair out the ponytail and kissed his lips.

"Join me." I smiled and stood up. I took off my robe and got in. I sat between his legs. I looked up and played with his hair. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"You're like a cat playing with my hair." I laughed and he kissed my forehead again.

"I had a dream that you had an art show." I sat up and looked at him. I smirked and shook my head. I would never have an art show. I mean no one wants to see paintings of a persons inner deep thoughts, feelings, and situations that they go through. They would think I'm egotistic or narcissitic or both. When really I only know myself the best and not everyone and everything else.

"It is just a dream. I doubt it would come true." He sat me back on him and I looked back up at him.

"It will come true because your artwork is beautiful and needs to be shown." I sighed and looked at him. He played with my hair and I closed my eyes.

"Geoffrey... If I have an artshow I want it back in New York or Colombia. I want it places I've grown up in. I mean I grew in Atlanta too, but Atlanta is not where I want it at." I looked up at him and smiled. He had a big smile on his face.

"How come you don't go by Magdalena?" I felt my heart sink a little bit and I sighed. It wasn't a long story, but it was a deep story.

"In New York I was asked a lot of questions. Why are you black and have a Spanish name? I was told I was just black stop with the spanish name. That I was lying. I don't go by Magdalena because everyone looks at me like I'm a joke unless you have a parent that's from a spanish speaking country and a parent from America. When I got to Atlanta I instantly went by Nicole. It's like Nicole brought this really free spirit who parties and just lives." I felt his hand on my shoulders and he began to massage them. It felt so good.

"You have a lot of dark deep stories." I looked back at him quickly and stared.

"And you don't?" He shrugged and smiled. I turned around and sat at the other end of the bathtub. I put my foot on his chest and rubbed it.

"So why don't you tell me a deep dark secret?" He took my foot and massaged it.

"The day I left you after my first time being with you I went completely crazy." I stared at him and looked at him confused.

"I went back to my studio and literally messed up the whole place. I went out that night and tried to find someone that would take my mind off of you. I almost drank myself to death in those two weeks. That's how I knew that you were meant to be part of my life." I smiled and bit down on my thumb. I'm in love with this man. It's crazy.

"My deepest secret is the reason I run. I run because I used to run away from my parent's all the time. They used to keep me trapped... I was only allowed to think a certain way. I would always run to women's homes that were looking for someone young. I basically sold myself. Whenever I feel like I'm in that position I run." I nodded my head and didn't quite understand. If he runs when he feels trapped he must entrap himself on purpose I would think. He knows what he's doing when does certain shit yet does it. He married me, is he going to run from me too?

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