Chapter 3 - Let's Go Exploring

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Later that night, Abuelita allowed us to play video games. I let Soos pick his favorite game, so of course I was loosing.

"Yes! I win again!" Soos said after winning the fifth round.

I put the paddle down.

"Do you wanna pick the game now?" he asked.

I smiled. My primo was the best.

"Yeah," I said.

After a while of playing more video games, Grandma sent us off to bed.

"Good night, Abuelita," Soos said before going back to bed.

"Love you, Abuelita," I said, hugging her goodnight.

As we lay in our beds that night, I said, "Soos?"

"Hm," he replied.

"You wanna go adventuring tomorrow?"

"Hm-hum," he mumbled.

I smiled. "Okay, thanks, Soos." I closed my eyes, and before I knew it I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Soos, wake up," I said the next morning, shaking him.

"Uh," he rolled over and rubbed his eyes. "What time is it, dude?"

"Seven a.m." I replied. "Early to bed, early to rise!"

Soos groaned. "Why are we getting up so early?" he asked.

"Because," I said. "We have to get ready to go on our adventura."

Soos groaned again and rolled onto his stomach. "Ten more minutes," he said sleepily.

"No!" I said. "Diez minuets more of sleep is diez minutes wasted! We've got to get ready so we can leave right after breakfast."

He groaned a third time. "Fine," he said. "I'm getting up."

"Great!" I said. "Grab a backpack. We'll need a first aid kit, three flashlights, two sandwiches, four water bottles, extra jackets, notebooks, pens, pencils, and as many cameras as we can find. We may be gone a while. I'll go make the sandwiches."

I sneaked out of our room to the kitchen. In the fridge there wasn't a lot of food, but enough to make two sandwiches. I pulled out the stuff and began making them.

Soos stuck his head out of his room's doorway. "Uh, Jerri, dude," he said, "I don't think we have a first aid kit."

"What? Sure we do," I said. "Everyone has a first aid kit somewhere. I'll ask Abuelita."

"Oh, and, uh, I don't have my own camera," Soos added.

I sighed. "Okay, then, we'll use mine."

"Okay," he said. "Did you finish the sandwiches?"

"Almost," I replied. "Do you mind getting water bottles if you're done?"

"Dude, we're not gonna be gone that long, are we?"

"Uh, maybe an hour or two," I said. "...or three. Depends on what we find."

He shook his head before going back into our room.

After maybe ten minutes Soos and I were all packed and ready to go.

"Instead of waiting for Abuelita, let's just leave her a note," I suggested.

Soos shrugged. "Whatever, dude. You're in charge."

We wrote Abuelita a note saying we were out exploring for the day and we would be home for dinner at the longest. After writing it came the hard part: leaving it on her nightstand without waking her up.

Her door creaked as I opened it. "Shhh!" Soos warned. I slowly crept in her room and tip-toed to her nightstand.

"Don't wake her up," Soos whispered.

"Shhh!!" I replied as Abuelita turned over in her sleep. I gently set the note on her nightstand by her bed where she would see it. I then slowly and carefully turned around and tip-toed back out of the room.

"Good job!" Soos congratulated me after I closed the door.

"Thanks, Soos," I replied, "now let's go!"

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