Chapter 30 phase 3/end phase

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(Well this is the last of the phase chapters. I was origanum going to make them all one super chapter but instead I decided on three shirt chapters. I hope you guys enjoy this one)

The next day
After the fight with Stratos I could barely keep calm. Nothing had ever gotten under my skin quite like this. Cry had explained to me how she used to work for them but turned sort of spy when Kaze and I had became targets. I also found out that she and Kaze had been dating for a while. That was why she had one of his chakrams.whuch, when I think about it, it makes sense. She is flirty and playful and he is sarcastic and joking. However, my mind was more focused on these assassins. They've tried to kill me three times already and my luck won't hold up forever. Luckily, the day so far had been uneventful and I was hoping it would stay that way. Maybe I could just enjoy some peaceful sleep.

A few hours later at a different location

Kaze was sitting alone in a tunnel having just cleared it of trolls. He was walking out when Han and the masked one appeared in front of him.

Kaze rapidly grabbed his katana, "Hey! Who are you!"

The masked one held out his hand and began to speak, "tell me, hasn't she told you that she will die if he does not. There is only one solution"

Kaze stood gripping his katana tightly and slightly shaking as the masked one's spell took over. Han was amazed at Kaze's resolve, "no one has ever been this resistant to your magic."

"Indeed, yet he to will succumb."

A few hours later

I had just woken up when I received a message from Kaze. I waited until I was fully awake to read it.
Meet me here. Hurry.

The message gave coordinates to a location just outside of a forest. I made sure I had everything equipped before I made my way there. When I got there it was getting dark but the full moon lit up the open area with a pale blue light. The place Kaze was waiting at was a huge open field type area with bare ground and a few shriveled up dead trees.

"Hey Kaze, I'm here. What did you want."

"To put an end to it.. Only one of us is going to leave here alive..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Normally, I would call him out on his joke, but this time he was dead serious.

"Kaze I'm not going to fight you..."

"Then you'll die as you try to walk away"

I was completely unsure what to do, no words came to my mind.

Kaze drew his katana and shifted to his enhanced form, and so I did the same. Without words Kaze started to strike. No jokes, no threats, no warning, nothing but pure aggression. He was slightly faster than me but I was slightly stronger than him. The battle raged. No remorse, no sending thoughts, only the battle mattered. Almost as if my mind was taken over by a bloodlust.

That same time not so far away

Cry raced toward the area where Kane and Kaze would be fighting. She had found out the plan to kill them almost to late to stop it, but if she was fast she might have a chance. As she was running down the path to the area where they fought, another assassin jumped down blocking her off. It was a guy in black light plate armor its two swords.
"You'll die before you pass"

Cry simply grabbed her bow and and started to fire her exploding arrows at the person in front of her not having enough time to listen to what he might have to say. He dodged and defected the arrows before using his agility to get up close. Once up close he unleashed a flurry of super fast slashes which cry blocked with her bow before pulling back the string and planting an arrow in his chest. He explosion knocked him down but he rapidly got up and attacked again. This time he disarmed cry by knocking her bow away and then got up close putting his blade against her throat. She then used her arm blade and shoved it upward stabbing through his skull and finishing him off.

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