Chapter 1 // Hungry

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Ayato sat in his room in Anteiku. He hadn't eaten for days and the pain was starting to settle in. There were far too many investigators out on the streets, there was no way he was going to go risk hunting.

So weak.

Ayato thought to himself as he stared down at the small mug of coffee he had cupped in his hands. He placed the cup by his bed on the floor. He was convinced if he drank anymore of it, he'd puke whatever was inside him.

I need flesh.

He thought again. He slowly stood up from his bed and walked to his closed door. His hand reached out slowly for the doorknob, but cut himself short. He'd be killed if he risked trying to hunt. Anteiku does have meat, but Ayato is stubborn. He didn't want to eat something that was already dead and was being refrigerated. Nasty.

He turned around hopelessly and collapsed on his bed.

It hurts.

He clutched his stomach tightly as it growled at him. It was so painful, he couldn't keep this up much longer. But the thought of Anteiku meat sounded disgusting.


He yelled as he sat up suddenly. He grabbed the coffee mug on the floor and chucked it at the wall as hard as he could. The mug exploded against the force, sending pieces of mug shards and coffee everywhere.

He glared at the broken mug before walking out of his room and into the hallway, just leaving the coffee to soak into the carpet and the broken mug to become cold.

"I'm so hungry."

His train of thought was going off the rails as he started to say things out loud now.

He wandered into the coffee area, where they served random people. They had just closed up, so nobody else was in the shop besides Touka and Kaneki.

Touka was cleaning tables and Kaneki was sweeping the already clean floors with that ridiculous looking eyepatch on. Ayato looked at him for a moment longer before raising his eyebrows hungrily. His pale soft skin looked easy to bite through.

"Half Ghoul. Half... Human. He's food."

He told himself quietly. He took one big step toward the unaware kid. Kaneki looked at him from over his shoulder, hearing him walk up to him.

What am I doing?

Ayato thought as the realization hit him. He was still half ghoul, ghouls taste almost as bad as human food.

He turned away, trying to walk back to his room. He was shaking, his hands pulled reluctantly to his sides.

"I- I can't take it."

He said aloud in a hoarse tone. Ayato turned and faced Kaneki, who had went back to doing what he was doing. So suddenly, Ayato had charged after Kaneki at incredible speed. Kaneki's reaction time was fast, but not fast enough as Ayato grabbed his arm so forcefully that Kaneki almost tumbled over.

The broom in Kaneki's hands fell to the floor as he tried to resist.

"Hey! Get off me!"

He yelled desperately. Ayato was surprised with himself. For feeling so weak, he was surprisingly powerful. Touka had walked back into the room and her expression changed from neutral to angry.

"Ayato! No! Stop you idiot!"

He wasn't listening. She ran after him and tried to pull him away from Kaneki, but nothing was getting between him and potential food. He pushed her off of him and walked toward the door with Kaneki in hand.

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