UPDATE // Re-writing This // BUT DONT WORRY

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Okay guys! I know it has been so long, and I'm honestly so sorry! But I want to try and start this account back up again. So, I've noticed how much attention this story has gotten and I'm utterly grateful for that. But I just hate how cringy this story is written, so, I will tell you guys what I'm planning to do.

I'm going to be redoing this, but don't worry, it will be the same exact script, just worded better so it makes more sense and doesn't sound so repeated. So I will be redoing each chapter one by one, then I will completely continue this story since so many of you love it so much! I just want to thank all of you so much for the support! I love you guys! Please don't be mad if it takes me a little bit to get a completely new chapter up, but I'll work hard!

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