Chapter 5 // Feelings

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Ayato had laid in his bed for a few hours. It was about 7 in the morning now. He just would think. Random stuff, personal stuff.

I hugged him.

He felt weird. He'd never do something like that.

He felt closed in. His room was dark and confined, he couldn't stay in here, he needed fresh air. He sat up sluggishly and made his way to his door. He could here somebody snoring gently.


She would snore all the time as kids. He rolled his eyes and pushed his door open. He walked down the long hallway and to the front entrance of the coffee shop. Anteiku was closed on weekends, so he just sat on the front steps of the shop, taking in the air. He knew he couldn't go too far out.

Ayato sat there for hours. He observed every person that walked by. People interested him. They always had different actions, children would run around, men would be calling businesses, woman would be taking a lunch break. Families would be going for a walk. He would never admit it, but he did like people.

Ayato lost track of time as at least two hours went by. He got bored of watching random people and went back inside. He examined the shop. It was a cozy place, a place you could go to if you were just looking for a area to hang around at for a bit. He never liked Anteiku, but it was a pretty nice little place.

He finally turned his attention away from the shop and decided to go back to his room. He slowly walked down the hall and upon opening his door, he found Kaneki sitting on his bed.

His hair was messy and he wore a blue shirt that had a little blood stain from his wound on it. The guilt settled in again. But he noticed that Kaneki had cleaned his eyepatch since it was now back to its white color and placed over his eye. Ayato was glad to see that eyepatch again.

Kaneki looked at him happily.

"Sorry, but I just wanted to say, thank you for earlier."

He exclaimed while rubbing the back of his head. Ayato gave him a small smile. He could feel heat rising to his face.

"You're welcome."

Shit. That's all you have to say?

Kaneki stood up and walked out of his room, but before he could walk down the hall, Ayato stopped him.

"Uh, Kaneki!"

He called after him, Kaneki turned around and looked at him.


Ayato stood there, not saying anything. He just stared at Kaneki. His eyes had a light in them that made his grey eyes almost light up. His skin was also like snow, pale and beautiful, it made his heart race.

"N-nothing. Sorry."

Kaneki nodded and turned back around to trail to his room. Ayato smiled at him till he closed his door.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

Ayato closed his door and slammed his hands into his head.

"Come on, Ayato. Don't do this."

He told himself out loud. He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to wipe away any thoughts of Kaneki. Though, in the process of trying, images of a slumped over and nearly dead Kaneki popped in. He could feel his eyes start changing out of anger.


He grunted quietly, that's when the door opened.

"Hey, do you have an extra pen or-"

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