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Michael's new haircut reminds me of Alex Gaskarth....he's bae too.

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques


"Oh my god! Your outfit is so cute!"

"Thanks, Yuzu."

"You look like you can take a lot."

"Take a lot of what?!" Ichigo shouted, completely flustered from what his sister said. Karin winked and looked down at her phone.

"My son is graduating high school!" Isshin cried out.

"Oh god don't embarrass me before we get to the school." Ichigo said.

"My baby boy!"



"Here's your gown, Ichi. You left it at my house." Rukia said, handing Ichigo his gown and cap.

"T-thanks, I'm kinda nervous." Ichigi said, slipping on his gown and putting on his cap.

"Yeah, this is where everyone goes their separate ways."

"Where everyone either goes to college or go straight work. As for us, we're going straight to work." Renji said.

Ichigo nodded and watched other students enter the building. He's sees Grimmjow laughing with Nelliel. Nelliel notices him winks. Ichigo glares and looks away.

"Here we come graduation!"

"Shut up, Renji."

"No, I am turnt, Rukia!"

"Shut up, Renji."

"Why, Ichi?!"


"We finally are freed from hell." Renji said, jumping up and down on his bed. After the graduation ceremony, there was an after party at Nelliel's house but Ichigo, Rukia and Renji decided to just have a movie night.

"Yeah." Ichigo smiled as he watched Rukia put a movie in the DVD player.

"We should've bought alcohol."

"Renji, just because we graduated highschool, doesn't mean we're legal to drink." Rukia said, plopping down on the bed.

"Oh..right." Renji turned off the bedroom light and quickly jumps on the bed.

"Congrats to being highschool grads!"



The end of book one.

I'll post book two later, I'll actually inform you.

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques

Socially Awkward ↔GrimmIchi ✔[BoyxBoy- Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now