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Lai is my name. I'm 20 years old. I live in California. In my second year of college. I've always wanted to become a doctor. I have a best friend name Pam. We've been friends since 2nd grade. Pam wants to become a teacher. We go to the same school. Different classes but we always had time to meet up. We've been saving to go to Korea. We would always fangirl about our favorite groups. But now we're immature. HAHA. JK. We still fangirl but mostly Pam. Her favorite was Seventeen Doyoon. He was her all time crush. My types was BTS Rap monster. We've finally had enough money to go. It was summer break. We were going that Wednesday.

After hours on the plane , we finally arrived. We went to my friends place. Her name is Kim. She works as a stylist. She never told me due to company rules. I guess it was important to her so I never asked again. She showed us around on her days off. But when she didn't, Pam and I just did a lot of food tasting. We did it at the places that was close to Kim's place. But one day Pam wanted to eat spicy octopus. So we went on a journey to a place like a bit far. We took the taxi then had to walk a bit. It was fun. We knew little Korean. Just basic. I've never had octopus before so Pam wanted me to try. That was the day I regretted. I had found out two horrible news. One was that I was allergic to octopus. Second is .............

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