The Shift

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Author kaiwattz
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The concept is quite similar to 'The Genalanium' so I took on this in a different way to avoid clashing :)

Plot summary-
The Shift:

It all happened so fast. One day the world was just the world. But then there was a shift. The next day, the world as we knew it, was just a memory. For us, for the survivors, life went on. We saw what remained of the world in a whole new light... A new, different, terrifying, dark light... You didn't die when you got the virus, you shifted, became a whole new person - someone forgotten.

Jasper was with his mom when the outbreak attacked the world. He tried to save her, but he new he couldn't. She shifted, forgot who she was, attacked Jasper. That was when he remembered. God, he remembered it so clearly. Pulling the trigger, killing his mom who was lost, shifted into a new state. Jasper was on his own now, fighting for his life against them. But it's just a matter of time before him and new survivors along the way, shift too.

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