we begin chapter 5

654 11 2

  3 months later

Aria - Jason and I are really happy we work he's redoing the house his family once had he's selling it I'm still writing and photography

Jason - hi babe

Aria - hey you

The kiss

Jason - Spencer And  Allison are coming home in 3 days

Aria - to visit

Jason - yeah

Aria - does Ali know your selling this house

Jason - yeah she's mad she'll get over it

Aria - OK enough about her

Jason - what did you have  In mind

Aria - we could go home And have well you know

Jason - he starts kissing her she starts kissing back can we finish this at home

Aria - sure

They go home

he kisses her from her lips on down she moans she kisses his neck she takes his shirt they end up on the floor kissing on top of each other they remove their pants Jason and Aria get steamy Jason picks up Aria puts her on the table he gos and removed her bra he pleasures her he gos in inside her she wraps her legs him pull him in closer he moans she kisses his chest bits his lip he reach her stomach kisses it she says go lower he does so she gos down to privates he moans do it again he  says OK she   says

Hours later

Aria - that was great

Jason - I agree

They kiss again

Jason - I'll be in the shower

Aria - OK love you

Jason - love you

Knock knock knock

Aria - who is it

Spencer - Spencer and Alison

Alison - let us In

Aria - one minute

Jason's out the shower

Jason - what are you doing babe

Aria - babe Spence and Ali are here

Jason - now

Aria - yes

Jason - get dressed let them in

Aria - OK go

She let's them in

Alison - thank god finally

Aria - hi Ali

Alison - hi aria

Spencer - hey Aria how are you

Aria - good you

Spencer - good

Alison - so where's our brother

Jason - I'm right here

Spencer and Alison - hi Jason they hug him

Jason - hey

Alison - Spence look at them

Jason and Aria are looking at each other like their in heaven
Spencer - their in love

Alison - she makes him happy he does the same for her she's the only one who can make Jason light up like that

Spencer -  I know

Aria - how long will you be home for

Spencer - a month

Alison - me too

Jason - my sisters have come home

Spencer - we have

Aria - dinner is ready

Jason - thanks babe

Aria - your welcome babe

Alison - so cute I approve

Jason - Ali

Ali - what

Jason - even if you didn't I still would be with Aria

Aria - Ali don't start you knew about us

Spencer - don't start trouble Ali everything's not about you OK

Alison - what you  Are dating my best friend Jason I need time to adjust

Jason - I hope you do Ali I love her

Aria - and I love him

Spencer - she will right Alison

Alison - yes

Spencer - here's to you two love life

Jason and Aria - thank you Spencer cheers

A Jason and Aria story By Quanisha PoolWhere stories live. Discover now