little did they know chapter 8

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A few days later still at the radley

Aria - I need water

Jason - OK but it can be brought to you

Aria - yeah but I  got it

Jason - OK

She leaves

Ezra - hi

Aria -  h- hey

Awkward silence

Ezra - I didn't know you were here

Aria - I need to get back to Jason

Ezra - Aria I - I don't wanna make this awkward

Aria - too late for that

Ezra - so we can't be friends

Aria - Ezra

Ezra - OK OK

Back in the room

Jason - hey

Aria - hey so I ran into Ezra in the hallway

Jason - really OK

Aria - you're OK with it

Jason - yeah I know you're gonna run into him it's OK rosewood is a small town

Aria - I love you

Jason - I love you too

They enjoy their time at the radley

Spencer - Ali

Alison - what

Spencer - you don't think Jason and Aria will break up do you

Alison - no have you seen them lately

Spencer - yeah I really want them to Stay happy

Alison -  what makes you think they won't

Spencer - my dad got in my head and know Jason has changed so much

Alison - Spence he's your brother my brother our families are connected your dad can't break that OK

Spencer - you're right no matter what my dad say I'll never give up on Jason

Alison - good

Back at the radley 

Jason - so

Aria - yeah

Jason - I was thinking we could Maybe one day get married

Aria - really so one day you wanna marry me

Jason - yes I do

Aria - I can't wait til that day comes

Jason - me either but you know when it happens Ali will be your sister in law

Aria - so will Spencer and I can handle Ali  I'm stronger then I look

Jason - I know you are

Hey readers cute right

A Jason and Aria story By Quanisha PoolWhere stories live. Discover now