is he ready chapter 15

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Toby - so are you ready to marry Aria

Jason - yes she's great for me

Caleb - I know how you feel Hanna does the same for me

Jason - I'm ready I know marriage can be hard but I'm ready

Toby - I've been with Spencer a long time and it's tuff but wroth it

Caleb - yeah

Byron - me and Aria's mother had our problems but it's apart of marriage

With the girls

Alison - so Aria

Aria - Yeah

Alison - Mike ready to be a brother in law

Aria - yes

Spencer - Ali

Alison - what

Spencer - Mike can handle it

Hanna - yeah he can is Mike bringing  Mona to the wedding

Aria - yes she's coming

Hanna - you OK

Aria - yes

With the boys

Mike - Jason can I talk to you

Jason - sure

Mike - my sister has been thru hell

Jason - I know

Mike - promise me you will love her forever

Jason - of course Mike I will

Mike - don't hurt her

Jason - I will not hurt Aria

Mike - I believe you

Emily - Aria I have something for you

Aria - Em

Emily - it's nothing  Really

Aria - I'll open it later with Jason

Emily - OK you're really happy huh

Aria - Jason makes me the happiest person ever

Emily - that's great

Alison - a toast to Aria and Jason

All of them - cheers

Aria - thanks guys

With Jason - I love that girl nothing can stop that 

A Jason and Aria story By Quanisha PoolWhere stories live. Discover now