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The wall of the well slowly opened sideways to reveal a secret chamber inside.
As it opened, a horde of bats scurried out of the well.

I and Madhav stepped away from ,avoiding the nocturnal creatures who were certainly not pleased with the unexpected sudden intrusion.

But Viz suffered badly as he was climbing up somehow.
He was already numbed by what he saw down there and the bats added to his misfortune.

As soon as the parade of bats ended,we peeped back to see Viz's condition.


As he was about to reach the top of the well,I extended my hand for his support.

Taking my helping hand, he came out of the mysterious well.

"What did..",


Madhav's question was interrupted by a sudden explosion from inside the well.

"Don't peep! RUN! ",I commanded as I ran back near the verandah wall.

We jumped to the other side swiftly and crouched down,taking the wall as cover.

What's going on?!

We allowed ourselves some seconds to breathe properly and come out of the commotion around.

"What did you see inside?",Madhav completed his question this time.

Viz shivered in fear as he uttered those words.



"Are you pretty sure on this one?",I ask out of curiosity and disbelief.

"Yes man! 101% sure. My eyes aren't weak like yours! ",he snapped back,irritated.

"Well that means.. ",I stopped midway and peeped above the wall in the direction of the windows on the first floor.

Some movements!

".... it will get interesting ahead guys. Very interesting. Be prepared."


I was back to play our usual cricket match at the ground after a span of 4 days.

"All right now?",
"Our Dravid is back! ",
"Here comes the Bombay guy!"
were some of the welcome greetings I received from the local guys.

And what pleased me more was the fact that my form was back.
A blistering 36 from 12 balls proved that fact.

After three matches,we decided to end the days play and sit down for some time and discuss some random topics under the golden orange sky.

"How's life there in Bombay?",Satish asked.

"All big flats and skyscrapers right? ",Sameer added.

"Nah..not everywhere!",I smile at their utopian view of
Bombay- the city of dreams.

"Have you met any Bollywood star?",Arjun asked this time.

"Nah..not yet..but I hope I'll meet one soon"

"Cool "

"Any Shah Rukh Khan fans here?",I ask out in excitement.

Out of the 18 odd guys,just 5 guys put their hand up including me.
I frowned.

"..and Salman Khan? "

The rest guys,except one or two, waved their hands up.

"I knew this will be the result. People from South like bhai's masala remakes more than.."

The Haunted House Mystery [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now