Chapter 11

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“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

~Romans 12:21

Upon his arrival to the hotel lobby, Julien gravitated towards the shops of the main level as it occurred to him that he should select a token to give Ruth to symbolize his new change of heart.

As he took in the options of perfumes, clothing, and handbags he found himself overwhelmed. Nothing seemed right for this occasion. He needed to at once convey his apologies, his gratitude, his optimism for the future, and his love. The task seemed impossible until he noted a display case filled with glittering jewelry unlike anything else he had seen. As he closed in the case, he realized the vintage nature of the pieces and knew he had found exactly what this moment required.

As he left lobby filled with excitement, his ears caught the faintest hint of a familiar female voice. Glancing around for its source, he noted a woman standing at the desk across the lobby Athough his vision was obscured by the distance, she was the absolute last person he wanted to see right now. His gut screamed at him that she was Agent Wolf.  Disappearing into the elevator with as much haste as possible, he tucked this gift box into his coat pocket. His surprise for Ruth would have to wait.

Arriving to their room, he felt a strange panic overtake him. What if Ruth was not here? What if Agent Wolf had already found her? What if she had decided to leave when she woke and found him gone?

But she was there, and she jumped up anxiously when he entered the suite. Approaching him immediately upon his arrival, her anger burned in her eyes. Before he realized what she was planning, he felt the sting of a slap across his face.

“I thought that you had left me.” She snapped through gritted teeth.

“I suppose I deserved that...” He replied as he grasped his cheek.

She seemed to be reading his thoughts, and the anger visibly fell away from her form “What's wrong?”

“What do you mean?” He replied with feigned calmness.

“You seem, I don’t know,  anxious...” He eyes searched his face.

“It is nothing.” He shrugged.

“Don't lie to me, Julien.” Crossing her arms, she stepped away from him.

Failing to conceal the worried look he knew was plastered on his face, he answered, “I think I may have encountered Agent Wolf in the hotel lobby.”

“Oh shit! Not again. What brought her here?” Her eyes were wide. “How does she keep finding us?” She spun around as she threw her hands into the air. “It’s not fair!”

“Perhaps we can just stay inconspicuous for a few days until she leaves. She will not gain access to us easily if we stay here. Our privacy here will be more respected than previously, I believe, considering the city and the Aliases we staying under?” He reached a hand out towards her.

“What Aliases?”

“I learned my lesson after Niagara Falls. We are not staying under the same names as our current identities.”

“Oh. That was smart.” Stepping closer, she unfolded her arms.

“Thank you.” He smiled.

With a loud sigh, Ruth looked up at him. Without warning, her mood changed as a wicked grin replaced her frown. “So, what do we do now?”

“Hold up, Ruth.” Grabbing her by the shoulders, he gently guided her to the sofa. “I have been doing some thinking about us today.”

“Not this again!” She looked away.

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