Is this real?

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Andy's POV
I woke up with Dylan cuddled up on my lap. She looked so cute. I kissed her forehead and carefully got up and walked to my room. I grabbed my phone and took off my shirt laying it on the bed.

A grabbed some jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt and put them on. I brushed my hair and teeth fixing my hair again and putting on my chucks. I kissed Dylan one more time before I left making sure not to wake her up.

I was gonna go talk to that dumb ass that broke her heart.

Diego's POV

I changed my clothes and did my daily routine before grabbing my phone and sitting on the couch texting Dylan.

A few minutes passed and she didn't answer, then I heard a knock on the door. I walked to it opening it and looking at a tall guy.

"Can I help you?" I spoke finally breaking the silence. "I think you can." he had a deep voice and he was taller than me. I let him in and we sat down on the couch.

Andy's POV

"I think you know my friend." I clinched my jaw and looked at him sitting on the other couch faceing him. "And his name would be?" he spoke. "Her name would be Dylan West. And you are?" "diego. And yes I know you friend but I need to know who's asking." "Andrew Biersack." I cleared my throat and we talked for a while.

I sat straighter in my seat and asked the question. "Why did you cheat on her?" he froze. "I um I really don't know." he covered his face and sighed. "Well I'll tell you this. Touch Her, hurt her or even come near Her again, and I will kill you." and with that I left making my way home.

Dyalns POV

I woke up and saw that Andy was not home. I walked to our room and grabbed my phone laying down on his bed. I texted my mom.

Me: hey mom I won't be home for a while. I think I'm gonna move out soon. Love you XOXO

Mom: okay sweetie. Love you too

I locked my phone and heard Andy walk in the room.

"You okay Dragonfly?" he asked politely.

"Yeah I am now." I said getting up and walking over to him. "Someone's being odd what's up?" "nothing really" I said putting my arms around his neck. "Dylan..." "Andy...." I mocked him.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked smiling. " oh no... What do you want?" "to move in with you." I smiled "I dropped out of school and I'm looking for a place." I got closer to him. "Please..?" I whispered in his ear.

"Fine but only cuz I love you dork."
He laughed and I kissed his cheek thanking him. I. Wonder what living with Andy will be like????

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